13 day seedling curled & dark green dried leaf tips (PICS)


Active Member
88F degrees
2 x 100 watt equivalent CFL. Seedlings are about 6" from light.
PH 6
88 mm CPU fan intake
4" exhaust

These babes are 13 days sprouted.
Their in 3" pots with rockwool.
Watering every day 1/2.

Now, this happened yesterday. I felt maybe it was time to give them some nutrition, So today I did. I gave them a tiny dose of CNS17 grow.
Except this one little buddy is still bummed out.

Any words of wisdom?



Well-Known Member
to hot as evrybody els said .. get it down under 85F atlest !

and I bet that in a small cube and 88F it have been dry at some point = dry/dead leave tips ... get it in to a bigget pot/hydro asap.

and no nuts so early .. to much N. is often shown in dark green leaves .. be carefull .. repot .. water a week or two .. then begin on 1/4 strengs nuts ..

you can still turn it around .. but you need to do it soon ..


Active Member
to hot as evrybody els said .. get it down under 85F atlest !

and I bet that in a small cube and 88F it have been dry at some point = dry/dead leave tips ... get it in to a bigget pot/hydro asap.

and no nuts so early .. to much N. is often shown in dark green leaves .. be carefull .. repot .. water a week or two .. then begin on 1/4 strengs nuts ..

you can still turn it around .. but you need to do it soon ..
Stupid USP is holding me back from hydro system. Once my materials arrive (Hopefully today or Monday) I'll be set to get these babes into a better suited system.

I never gave them nutes til latenight & that was only to test to see if that would help. :/


Active Member
Too hot, should be transplanted and why are you nuting a 2 week old plant?
I did give the little guy some nutes but very very very small amount.
Just playing the field and testing it out. Who knows, Maybe it would of worked.
It's just strange it would be heat because non of the other seedlings are having this issue. :/