1200 W tent * Multistrain * scrog * coco * 3rd time out... autobots roll out!


Active Member
Featured above BTW are TGA ace of spades, TGA timewreck (thanks for the recommend Reef, I'm actually almost worried about smoking this one!), barneys farm blue cheese, barneys farm liberty haze and greenhouse seeds super lemon haze. Not pictured: dinafem amnesia.


Well-Known Member
Haha I'll let you know in a couple months if you should be afraid... if it puts ME on my ass you definitely should... I got the highest tolerance of anyone I know. Ace of Spades will probably be right up your alley though :) Just watch her for late flower nanners if you give her stress. I had a few last time but also had a light leak... have heard others say they gottem though.

Heard a lot of good things about barneys farm particularly liberty haze and curious to hear how your greenhouse turns out as well... greenhouse says they're the only breeder with the original super silver haze genetics.

Whatcha gonna grow first?

8/10 of my aces have germed :) looks like another 100% germ on my tga again :)


Active Member
Awesome man! Super excited for you! I'll have to check in over on your thread. Spring cleaning time here and our house is a wreck so we've been super busy. I don't know what I want to grow first. I'm tryting to ask around to friends for junk seeds to see if I can practice germing without wrecking some more awesome genetics. Going to try rockwool cubes this time instead of rapid rooters, and actually have them sitting in a tray. Last time I thought I'd be cheeky and just put a rooter in the netpot on my clone box but having air below and above certainly dried them out fast. Also it's already to hot upstairs in my other cab in MARCH so theres no way its going to be the right temperature moving into summer so I'm going to have to move that cab down to the main level of my house. I assembled that cab up there tho so I don't even know if it'll fit coming down the stairs!! Haha. Also I made a custom window mount for the exhale/intake so its going to be a pain to mod that to work in a different place. I just don't think I can afford to have a window A/C unit going upstairs, downstairs and in the garage. Did just talk to a friend who would be super interested in buying my stuff wholesale... but damn it is hard to part with my hard work for something as silly as money. I guess if I'm gonna actualize Plan New Zealand or at least Plan Oregon I'm gonna need some money in the bank.

Anyway as to what I'm going to grow first, no idea. This time around I bought 5 x each of each seed so I'll be able to run a whole run of the same stuff, and find a pheno I like and clone it and start the whole "mother room" thing.

Should be fun!

Thanks for checking in Reef ~ what else is new in your grow? have you ever used LED's to veg?


Well-Known Member
You could try my method... I usually get 100%.

Soak 12-24 hours (it appears from this germ 12 is all that's needed) in lukewarm water
Premoisten soil in pots (tho if you're not doing soil don't know what you'd use :) ) & plant seeds 1/4 - 1/2" deep
Put a dome over each pot (I use appropriately sized ziploc bags) and keep at 68-72 (to get high fem ratio)
When the sprout comes up, take the dome off after it's spread it's leaves up and started greening up.

Like I said, I usually get 100% :)

Yeah that air will fuck your humidity up real good... I had my clone dome in my flower room for a couple days because it's perfect temps and a constant source of light, but there was so much air the humidity in the dome wouldn't keep up... didn't lose'm, but moved'em to a new room. That reminds me I need to go up and get them and do a check on them to see how they're doing

My cab has to be disassembled to get out the door too :) If I ever have to take it down real quickly I'm fucked, although it could be done in probably 10 minutes with a lot of loud banging :)

I've been using my LEDs to veg since I got'em... even most LED detractors'll admit they're good for veg :) You can keep the internodal distance real tight or loose depending on how close you put the lights... never any issue with heat from lights being too close :) I prefer my veg model led for my vegging but the flower ones seem to work just fine.

I was watching a vid last week where sub went and visited a grow in oregon and the guy basically lived in a housing subdivision on top of a big ass hill/small mountain and almost everyone who lived there also grows in the same neighborhood.... that's the kinda place I want to live :) I can't even imagine having all my neighbors also be growers... one of the things with being a grower is it keeps you fairly isolated from the neighbors... i have a feeling the majority of my neighbors either smoke or would be cool with it, but just not even going to try and find out... definitely don't want to sell to anyone in my hood... don't wanna shit where you eat :)

I'm doing the whole 'try to use my extra harvest buds to finance a move west' as well :) Just haven't decided where... so hard to decide between cali, oregon and washington... they each have their own pros and cons. Also depends on what happens with work I've already decided I'm going to have to give'm an ultimatum at some point this year... they basically hired me at the promise of one rate, then said the work I was going to be doing was for a position in a lower pay range, then lost a bunch of people and I ended up taking up their responsibilities and doing the position I was initially hired for the higher rate at... but they haven't upped my pay back to the market value rate for what I do AND didn't get a raise last year, this year and so far they're saying not going to give a raise next year either. Meanwhile over 40 I only got so many years people will actually hire me before they decide I'm too old to work, so it's kind of hard to justify not going out and getting another job paying $10k/year more, which I could easily do -- BUT where i'm at now is pretty comfortable and flexible on work hours and i'm settled in... going somewhere else I'll have to go do interviews, probably have to buy some fake lab urine to pass a piss test, maybe end up having to do even more work than I do now (which wouldn't be good gotta have time for my garden and fam) and then for all I know the first time bad economic news comes along it's going to be last hired first fired.... the company I'm at now the only way I'm getting fired is if they're going under or they find out about my usage somehow... hard to give up a job that does pay well and you know you're not gonna get fired for. I'm gonna give'm the ultimatum that I either need the raise to my market value (i've definitely done a lot to justify what I do for the company) or if they won't they need to let me work from home -- I'm the only tech person who works for the company who actually has to come into the office. Most of them do not even live in our state... but they refused to let me do it when I asked before because they said they were trying not to have more people working at home and those people are basically grandfathered... funk that. I wanna be home with the fam taking care of my garden :) I'm going to tell them a big part of the reason is looking to relocate out of state as well... I think they'll go for it rather than give me the raise. Once I move west I'm gonna really expand things up and work on harvesting 3-4lbs/month of high quality indoor/month and getting set up to move that... if I keep working my current job from home and do that I'll more than double my income... Shoot 2lbs/mo would double my take home if I weren't paying taxes on it ;)

We're working on having a second home in the Philippines sometime down the line my wife's from there. I'd be tempted to move there if a few things were different but they're fucking draconian in their drug laws way worse than the US and prisons are way worse too... lived there for a year already I gotta say I enjoyed it a lot more than the rat race here, but couldn't grow there either. My wife misses those times because I had a lot more time to spend with her now between the job and the grow it's never enough for her ;)


Well-Known Member
Sucks about the s33ds. A humidity dome is a must from what I understand. I've only popped beans twice, both times used rockwool and kept things moist.


Well-Known Member
Yup I don't do the rooters but pretty sure adding the dome to my sprouts helped a huge deal in getting the germ % up to 100.

Oh one other thing I forgot to add on how I do mine, don't germ in the dark. Light on top always. No night until they're above ground.


Active Member
Long weekend, I'm tired.. I'll get back to you Reef this coming week. The tent looks crazy. I'm almost worried theres not going to be enough space for all the nugs... a horrible problem to have ;) Had a bunk timer I had to return yesterday so I know my lights were a little wonky but definitely seeing some preflowers out there so we're gearing up. Gonna be a wild ride till June!!!

Gnight all!

Jig: How's you?


Well-Known Member
Haha I had the same problem myself this round... had to flower a bunch early or I'd have run out of space completely... as it is looks like I'll just barely make it.


Well-Known Member
I'm jealous. I flipped too early thinking my plants would stretch and they only grew 2" after the switch. :( So I'll be running wayyyy too much light for my little plants. Oh well.. should have some fat nugs on them by the end.

Happy April!


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah jig my chocolate chunkey monkeys have barely stretched at all too. But the big plants are taking up all the space anyway so it's cool. i have a pretty good range of sizes which is gonna be interesting from small to beasty... but restart grows for me i never get to do'em the way I want anyway cuz you're always rushing to get that harvest in asap.


Active Member
Crazy Jig! Did you get some freak mutant strain? Didn't you not water them for something crazy, like 2 weeks?


Active Member
Quick update: man those plants are looking happy. These pics do not really show how many bud sites there are in there. It is ridiculous. This is my first time using Cal-Mag and there is none of the usual necrosis on the root tips. Just... perky and happy and reaching towards the "sun" or I guess, twin suns hehe.

The nodes are stacked super tight. I do anticipate some more stretching but they haven't stretched nearly as bad as I thought they would. Maybe I'm just used to the hydro speed of life. Totally torn now between what I'm going to do in the future... coco hasn't been horrible and certainly is a lot easier when it comes to dealing with the old water as... there is none! Hydro is badass and appeals to the aquarium enthusiast in me. Speaking of aquariums... one of my furry assistants has taken quite an interest in my new bowfront tank. I'm really trying to show restraint and not buy another Oscar as I had one before and he was awesome.

This cat is lucky she's so adorable as she is a TERROR!



Active Member
Exactly 2 weeks from when I flipped the lights. Starting to get those nice sprouty pre buds where it just looks like 30 little leaf fingers reaching out from the top of the stalks. I had that bunk time which was flipping one of the lights on and off at weird times so I think that freaked them out a bit.

I have definitely read threads on here where people seem to get amazing results amazingly quick but ya know.. this is a hobby for me. No competition I just want to provide my girls with as happy of a place to live as possible and if I get to reap some delicious results: so be it! I think they are absolutely going to blow up over the next month... those co2 bags I got out there, it's spring now so i don't have to worry about temperatures being so crazy up and down (81 degrees currently and feels perfect right at canopy height).


Active Member
The pineapple express is the first one to really get going; a sight for sore eyes:

little bit droopy but I just watered. going crazy out there:
