120 Grams of Stem


Well-Known Member
I've been saving up stems for a year and collected 120g's of them.
I have tried multiple times to make hash, using the "Isopropyl" technique. Once it turned into really dry, green powder. Every other time it turned into a black goo which was very sticky.
What should I do with these stems?


Well-Known Member
I always have tons, well not tons but a piles, of stem after a cycle. i usually use it for kindling to start fires for bbq or camping. works great. dont think there is any mentionable thc in there but old dried up xylem and phloem. did you smoke the goo?


Well-Known Member
Have you tried the Ice water method? I throw all trim and stems into a bowl Ice them, whisk them for a bit, then pour through two seives one large hole for stems etc, then the other a tea strainer to catch the smaller bits, let it settle for a few hours then draw off the water, works a treat.

edit"the reason i put the stems in was because I put my scope on them and could see amber trichs looking back at me" not lots but enough to make me not want to waste them.


Active Member

this worked well for me when i did it
had to mute the video though, i prefer to chill than headbang


Well-Known Member
me and my friend did this once:

put a handful or two in a coffee maker, where the coffee rounds go. turn it on and let it do its thing. we made the water go through twice for good measure. i didnt think it would work at all since theres no fats or anything in it. but we each took like 4 sips and were fucked up. even the smell seemed to get you high(like you get when you cook butter sometimes). maybe try adding some cream or something


Well-Known Member
:joint: Cut them up and put into a glass jar, add ISO, let sit 30+ days, use topicaly. Helps to relax tense muscles, probably other medicinal benefits?


Active Member
also look up dry ice hash. that would be easier than the ice water method i think
Thats looks like a more simplistic way of doing it, i was waiting for him to add water and i thought the bubbling from the Dry Ice was going to somehow shake or agitate it, and then he turned the bucket upside down and poof the table was covered, seems like the better way of doing things...



Well-Known Member
Thats looks like a more simplistic way of doing it, i was waiting for him to add water and i thought the bubbling from the Dry Ice was going to somehow shake or agitate it, and then he turned the bucket upside down and poof the table was covered, seems like the better way of doing things...

nope no water at all. i had my first dry ice experience today. it worked out great! i got 17.4g out of like 2oz of nugs. i shook the nugs with the dry ice for a few before flipping it upside down. seemed to work better.

i dont think the dry ice method would work good with stems because the bubble bag can tear when using stems. especially when you have dry ice slamming into the filter :?
if it wasnt for that, i think it would work good

Sara Saw It

Active Member
Put them in a coffee grinder to grind them up. Then use them for tea (or in a coffee maker like previously suggested). Or keep them as a spice to add flavor and nutrients to a variety of foods.