12.12Growbox. 4 Skunk#1



Well, I know my last few journals were dropped but I will keep posting In this one. I've found a private location that I moved to.

Anyway I'm growing skunk number 1, Original haze or whatever. From TFD.
They are on night 11.
I haven't started nutes, just plain PHed water, with 1 or two past mistings with diluted nutes, 30-10-10. about 1/8th mixed.
For the past 10 days, they suffered the loss of 4 other sisters that died due to spider mite infestation, and gnats. Thanks to horrible unsterilized soil. They are just 3 or four days from being transplanted into clean, sterilized, MG soil. I didn't know people had trouble with MG so I guess we'll see. Lately, besides some awesome little growths of leaves, the older leave are starting to yellow on one plant, and one other has a strange look to it too.

Please, feel free to help me on this. :wall:Because I think it might escalate.. =[

Anyway I have a fan, a nice powerful[not too much] fan that is great for strengthening the stems. I the dimensions of the box is 3 feet high, 2.5 feet long.

I'll be updating daley and will be posting lots of hi res pics, expecially flowering.
And anybody is free to post opinions and crap...and give me something to talk about xD:peace:



Ph in soil is staying at a steady 7.1. Bought some PH up and PH down.


Does anybody know what the yellowing of the leaves are? I've gone through the sick plants section but I just can't find a similar issue..



Sorry for the pix of my helper xD

Here is day 12. The yellowing, the only thing I think it may be is a nitrogen def, from the last soil I had it in. Other plants look GREAT tho, don't ja think? watch, all of them will be males lmao:dunce:



Fuck me. I think springtails are having at one of my plants roots. they should be listed as a enemy of marijuana -_- I think its them because i found them ONLY on the plant with yellow leaves. I don't know if diatomatious earth is even helping, because it ALWAYS FUCKING SOAKS UP WITH WATER FROM MY SOIL. Doesn't moisture make it useless? fuck me -.-

I don't even know if it's worth separating them, should I? all the other plants must of gotten one or two of them, soon to be completely infested beyond control..

Please, Criticism is appreciated, and opinions. Anybody even readin' this journal?


Well, I got about forty bucks today, so hopefully I can buy something that killsem. And they have a chance yet!! lol

Anybody else have as much of a hard time getting a job as i do? -.-


Well-Known Member
Found a few more Bagseed, So will be germinating today. 3 of them
The more plants the better!

Your babies are lookin nice! My guess would be the yellowing is possibly from the nutes you sprayed on. I didn't feed mine for the first 3.5 weeks & they did great. Or it could be the soil.

I stared my first grow in MG Organic Choice potting soil & it did mess my plants up a bit. I had yellowing much like yours. When I transplanted into a bigger pot I changed to FFOF & that seemed to help.

Sucks about all your bugs, next time you could always bake your soil for a while to kill any that may be in there. One thing I read that helps with gnats & even spider mites are those sticky fly strips.

Good luck bro, if you need any help lemme know!:clap:


The more plants the better!

Your babies are lookin nice! My guess would be the yellowing is possibly from the nutes you sprayed on. I didn't feed mine for the first 3.5 weeks & they did great. Or it could be the soil.

I stared my first grow in MG Organic Choice potting soil & it did mess my plants up a bit. I had yellowing much like yours. When I transplanted into a bigger pot I changed to FFOF & that seemed to help.

Sucks about all your bugs, next time you could always bake your soil for a while to kill any that may be in there. One thing I read that helps with gnats & even spider mites are those sticky fly strips.

Good luck bro, if you need any help lemme know!:clap:
Awesome! lol they look a tad small, but in about 7 days or so they should pick up.

[The Yellowing happened way before ferts ever used, so it's still a mystery. But newer growth on plants is solid green. and my outdoor ones are great too! Got over the spider mite infestation ALL ON THEIR OWN!! they literally just disappeared and are LAUNCHING in growth lmao]

No man, I got it on those damned bugs haha. and I always bake my soil now =]]

And the MG is probably making yellowing worse...I just can't get over those fucking Springtails. Harmless supposedly. But i just dont want them there =\ Can't kill the bastards either.

here are some pics!



Well-Known Member
Nice pieces, I like that little tiny bowl lol, it must hit really harsh though. Cool shot of you token.bongsmilie

Glad most of your pests are gone. If you can I would try to get those CFLs a bit closer to your leaves. I kept mine about 1" away and they loved it.

Your dog looks like he's jealous in that one pick lol.


Nice pieces, I like that little tiny bowl lol, it must hit really harsh though. Cool shot of you token.bongsmilie

Glad most of your pests are gone. If you can I would try to get those CFLs a bit closer to your leaves. I kept mine about 1" away and they loved it.

Your dog looks like he's jealous in that one pick lol.

Believe me, that tiny bown may look like it doesn't pack much but I've fit a gram in it XD and jesus it hits like a pro.

I gots em' so far away [for 1 more day] Because I wanted em to stretch a bit. BTW
2 out of the five seeds I germinated, germinated. lol i should be able to plant tomorrow. Then germinate more. Got a timer for me plugs and there's a bit of new growth as well.

Haha my doggeh's name is helper.

Funny story, I bought an 8th once spent 55 [4 grams] and I set it on the desk, left for 5 min. Came back and my dog was almost done eating it lmao. I didn't punish him, due to the fact that he wobbled like crazy and walked into walls lmao.


Active Member
just noticed that ur growing no 1 skunk i just harvested mine too, same strain as yours, u can see my journal here


u need a hps m8 no joke

like u i battled with cfls with mediocre to shitty results.

my grow journal short to say the least but will give you an idea what this fantastic strain can give you if grown proper, and im pretty much cutting my teeth

good luck m8, will keep an eye on this one thanks



just noticed that ur growing no 1 skunk i just harvested mine too, same strain as yours, u can see my journal here


u need a hps m8 no joke

like u i battled with cfls with mediocre to shitty results.

my grow journal short to say the least but will give you an idea what this fantastic strain can give you if grown proper, and im pretty much cutting my teeth

good luck m8, will keep an eye on this one thanks

But you vegged, right? this is a 12,12 from seed[noveg]. I'll take my chances. Thanks tho!! And thanks for tuning in! It's all the better to know people are watchin! maybe if it's a good grow I'll get some rep lol. Sense it's SOO important to every one XD

BTW, I have 38 CFLs, from 2700,3000,3100, 5500,6200k. Theres more then 6 of each spectrum lol. So I'm pretty optimistic that I'll have pleanty of light when it comes to it! But honestly, I would get an HPS, But I found cheap ones only AFTER i spent all my cash on CFLs, so im in the hole until harvest. But next grow, more then likely ill be getting 1 250w HPS, and 1 250w MH. Unless financially there are troubles. Lovely Economy here in cali.

BTW, just planted 2 germinated bagseed. and raised them all up to an inch and a half from the lights =] I'll probably post some pix later! thanks for tuning in again lol


Not much happened today, cept another seed germinated. w00t.

And moved grow into closet. Timer working great. everything is automatic now. no more missed times[only happened onces, off by an hour but still]

Is there anything wrong wtih freshwater aquarium PH up? saw it at the pet store for like HELLza cheep. Bought a pump to continuously oxygenate waters so they don't stagnate.


I can't ignore the yellowing leaf problem any more, as it is happening slowly [on the same leaves] on other 2 other plants. I thing it's a sulfate def, or nitrogen. But I'm leaning more towards Sulfate def.
this picture[tho it's an older plant] shows a sulfate def, and it really matches it.

I'm gonna give it 30-10-10 veg nutes next watering, sense the plant is obviously still vegging. Diluted 1/5th or 1/4th. It's got all it should need for the next 2 or 3 weeks or so.

Any opinions? You can see the yellow leaves in some of my first post. Any help is greatly appreciated.:weed:


Here are some pix. I didn't add nutes yet. I just don't know what to do, Cash is too tight =[ And I want to PH down it.
Well, sum pix. I just wish I knew what the yellowing is. So I can spend money on IT and not on the wrong diagnosis.



Well I’ve definitely identified the yellow leaf as a PH problem. Lowered it on one, but at the cost of flushing it,+ adding nutes to water. Only lowered from like 7.3 to 7.0 or .1 better then nothing. 1 of 2 of the new planted seedlings popped up! Here are some updated photos.[Also buying a PH kit for my water. Soon. I’m fixing this asap.]
Well, moved 1 of 4 outside for more light for the other 3 indoors. Also to try to keep the outdoor grow going. The other one I put outside is almost recovered, and is doing very will dispite a few spider mites. The other 3[2 sproutlings-Bagseed and 1 Skunk#1] are kept well away from it, in hopes to keep infestation to minimal levels. Potatos are next to all of them to attract gnats to THEM instead of my plants. Reflective material found and is being constructed. Will be able to apply to grow box tomorrow after they’re awake. I have High hopes for all of them, I’m still learning so much it’s amazing. I love growing marijuana! I feel a lot more secure now having more seeds. Now I don’t have to worry as much if a few die =] Mistakes will be made, but learned in the process!


Outdoor pix

Any input or tips? Anything would be great =]


Well the PH is quite low for my outdoor plants, due to me bakingit. It dropped 6.0 maybe below. I added some PH up to water and flushed one of them. They other outdoor, 18day old one has a stable PH now due to nute flush[It worked!!] And is untwisting and green is flowing back into yellows leaves. PH is also 6.9-7.0 where it should be in the one flushed with lemon juice. Those were just test, The other two indoors im waiting for them to be BONE dry, and give them nute'd water. Or ph'd water if I have it.


Still day 18. And growth is really shooting on my first nute'd outdoor plant!! I mean it's crazy how fast the color is filling in! By two day's, it should look as health as can be, and in four to 7 days, it should be ready to transplant!

I just nuted one of three of my indoor babies. The other two will just have to wait till they are dryer. One was flushed just yesterday and the other is my healthy one, just now getting a nute def.