12/12 from seed or clone?


sooooo. . . i got a bunch of seeds from a friend. i also have 2 plants that i have just finished re-vegging and are awaiting being cloned.

i like the idea of having more smaller plants. and would like to use the 12/12 from seed method. im just wondering is there any pro/cons using this method with clones over seed?

iv read that seeds are the best to use for this method because they have the taproot which helps produce a better main bud, which im guessing is the whole point of this technique.

so is it true? will i have much better and noticeable results if i use 12/12 from seed rather than clone?

please let 'er rip if im being stupid.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
12/12 from seeds and 12/12 from clones are two very different processes. Flowering clones is still flowering a plant you've had in veg, which means you have "forcefully" induced flowering. When you flower seeds, the plant has never been in veg, you don't really change anything about how it grows during its life cycle, and you don't "force" it to do anything.

Putting rooted clones directly into flowering is called the "Dutch Style Sea of Green" method. With strains that respond well to it, each plant grows to be a big bud on a stick with few fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
12/12 from seeds and 12/12 from clones are two very different processes. Flowering clones is still flowering a plant you've had in veg, which means you have "forcefully" induced flowering. When you flower seeds, the plant has never been in veg, you don't really change anything about how it grows during its life cycle, and you don't "force" it to do anything.

Putting rooted clones directly into flowering is called the "Dutch Style Sea of Green" method. With strains that respond well to it, each plant grows to be a big bud on a stick with few fan leaves.
Also called lollypopping.

Flowering clones is better because they are already sexually mature. The the length of the photoperiod cycle needed for flowering is reduced. If you throw a seedling into 12/12, it still must establish roots, it still must generate growth and develop it's sex. The clone will be ripe and ready way before the seed, every time. Also, you can take unlimited cuttings, where as seeds are limited.


wait, while im here. is there any other similar methods anyone can suggest. decent yield and short life. . .you know what i mean :)


Well-Known Member
Be sure to get the clones set up with 24/7 light tell they are ready.

lol,I put clones in 12/12 from cutting once, an it sux. Virtualy no growth.

Last grow was a lil sog and with 3-4 weeks from seed, an the Untrained (natural) plant yielded the most.