
Well-Known Member
well i sprayed the myan mycrozyme tonight. i also added a really nice air pureifyer and a really nice really fucking expensive de-humidifyer. i trimmed all the leaves i could find out. did the spray,let the lights run on it for a lil bit and they look good for now. the dehumidifyer is badd ass it dropped my RH really quick. the plants are looking good except were the few got sprayed with that bad/wrong mix i made. there starting to get big and fat what ive been waiting on lol. some spots look stunted pretty bad,gonna do a buk change sunday. and big up date. heres a link to the problem plants thread i made with the fucked pics. https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/263419-powerdy-mildew.html

now time for some pics

1st got a new board hopefully i can keep better notes.
2nd is the air pureifyer
3rd is nice bud shot
4th ok bud shot
5th shot of the smaller plants L.A. CON. LEMON SKUNK, CHEESE, WILD THANG
6th the DE_HUE
7th close up of DE-HUE
8th bud shot (afghan)
9th-12th is all bud shots afghan
next 4 more bud/room shots notice couple in back kinda droopy?
after the first 16 the rest are different bud shots,room shots,and shots of some bad places enjoy.

:wall: my shit is moving so danm slow today? :cuss:

there drinking more this week than last i already had to top off buckets tonight.
my seeds also cam in ill post some pics and strains later



Well-Known Member
ohh yea it broke my little heart but i had 2 cut 2 plants down last night. they were the worst looking smallest ones but one was my soilplant tear drop lol. had to for room for new stuff and they were just to croweded

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
looking really good in there man :clap:, when you first started i wasnt to sure big room just a few plants hmmm..... but dam man you fooled me the room is looking great nice and full........

was wondering what your temps/humidity are ranging high/low

i was looking into a dehumidifier found a nice 25 pint for 140 but dam homedepot does not have them anymore, i can only find 200 and up and bulky how much did you end up spending how many pints ?


Well-Known Member
looking really good in there man :clap:, when you first started i wasnt to sure big room just a few plants hmmm..... but dam man you fooled me the room is looking great nice and full........

was wondering what your temps/humidity are ranging high/low

i was looking into a dehumidifier found a nice 25 pint for 140 but dam homedepot does not have them anymore, i can only find 200 and up and bulky how much did you end up spending how many pints ?
im not sure how many pints it is its 1 size under an industrial unit its pretty fuckin nice. it has a couple different modes my hum was at 87% last night i put it in for about a hour and a half and shut the door half way and it was down to 43% its really worth it you just got to run it with a timer. there all gonna be pretty bulky if you get a good nice one, im pretty sure mine holds like 2.5 - 3 gallaons. and the one at home depot for 200 is nice and worth it if you have the money and are having humidity problems

the air pureifyer has 3 different programable on/off's on it i run it for 23 hours as of now. i only had a few leaves with PM on them today. i sprayed again and started the DE-HUE at lights on and im trying to figure out how long to run it.

im really just trying to keep it from spreading to any of the buds when it does ima die! it killed me 2 cut down the 2 i did the other day. but i needed the room my space was over crowded. i had to many plants its all in the veg time and strain really.

also another one of my main problems i found out is my exhaust fan is to small i need either a 6" at the least or an 8" im running a wind tunnle 4" now.


Well-Known Member
How long have they been on the 12/12 cycle?

for 28 days give or take a day or 2 i got it wrote down doing buk change today or tomorrow and im gnna start using my board and have everything right there i got 2 planners and 2 notebooks and stil cant keep good notes lol dam stoners


can you show some individual shots of each plant hard to know wich is wich. i wanna see the l.a. how is it smelling? thx


Well-Known Member
can you show some individual shots of each plant hard to know wich is wich. i wanna see the l.a. how is it smelling? thx

you want to vegg the L.A. CON for at least 4 weeks if not 6 i will do 6 weeks veg with her next time i will get some shots up of her tomorrow is bucket change day. smell is not super strong till week 7 or 8


Well-Known Member
how is that la confi? man i got some of those as well as la woman, sour cream too. i wanna c how that turns out

im gonna start my l.a woman in a few weeks or so there going out side?

as far as the L.A. CON there are 2 main phenos the purple being the best one the other is a little stronger though and it has a get up and go like you just did a line of blow high,then a hour or 2 later its like getting hit with a big hammer. hit another bowl your right back up thats the pheno i got now i started germin another seed tonight hopefully ill get thoe other pheno. and from what i see in a D.W.C.. or aero it finishes in the best of 50-55 days


Well-Known Member
theres a few shots of me germin some new strains and the ol lady trimmin some outdoor!

i germed 6 seeds

1. big bang/green house
2. O.G. Kush/reserva privada
3. whit widow/green house
4. blue widow/dianafem
5. power kush/dianafem
6. cali hash plant/dianafem

also i did my strain count right now i have 25 different strains i only do a few at a time if i like one or two really good ill keep mothers if not and i wanna do more later i still got seeds. ill order me next 30 strains over the next 4 months.





Well-Known Member
sorry i left you guys hanging heres the 25 strains i got. some of witch are growing,germing,and waiting to germ. here they are

1. cheese/GH
2. big bang/GH
3. blue widow/dianafem
4. el nino/GH
5. white widow/GH
6. qurekle/TGA subcool
7. himilyan/GH
8. trainwreck/GH
9. red cherry berry/barneys farm
10. thai super skunk/g-13 labs
11. power kush/dianafem
12. l.a. woman/dna
13. moby dick/dianafem
14. blackberry/sativa
15. o.g.kush/reserva privida
16. california hash plant/dianafem
17. spoetnik/paradise
18. l.a. confidental/d.n.a.
19. lemon skunk/d.n.a.
20. pineapple ex-press/g-13
21. pure power plant/nirvana
22. wild thing/personally made
23. l.a. confidental/d.n.a. (diff batch)
24. lemon skunk/barneys farm
25. pure afghan/2o year old genetics


Well-Known Member
ok i put the germed seeds witch all had a tap root coming out except white widow and it looked like it was cracking so i put it in to. i put them in cubes that had soaked in a solution of 5.5 ph water and a little superthrive so all 6 seeds are in now.



Well-Known Member
i changed all buckets last night. i have one plant that looks almost dead and another not far behind it. the rest of them are doing great except the few that have the PM on it. the funny thing is its only getting on the afghans none of the other strains. i hate to have to cut down any more plants than i have ive done lost 6 Ozs cutting the 2 i did. any way there all doing pretty good drinking a shit ton im having to do changes every 5 days now instead of 7.

theres an indivual shot of each plant then some group shots then some of the fucked up plant and some of the room back full the first 14-15 are thi indivual shots ill do i bit more editing on this in a few min gotta do some things BRB:leaf:



Well-Known Member
well i for got to do my mother room clone room update. i just used an extra half bath i had with some shelves in it built me a nice power cord and put me up a temp mother/clone room.

i also am not going to use auto cloners any more im going back to rockwool seems best for the methods i use instead of having to deal with hanging delicate roots i can just stick the cubes in an go. so heres the tepm mom/clone room for now and also a post or 2 up is new updates. starting new strains

got a couple of more buckets and net lids some pumps used 1 of the extra t5s laying aroun a new air pump some airstones and i was good to go

ill get a few more of it up to i just realized that i never posted it


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Looking good in there man been keeping you busy i bet.

You have tons of strains man, looks like a clinic lmao :lol:, going to be hard taking care of all those with all different needs but it can be done :-P

Nice temp mother room should help you get clones and mothers going, you can get really good at taking clones if you have a setup like that, no more buying clones

As for the PM been hearing that allot lately its going around not sure whats going on there?? humidity outside temps causing it or did allot of people get clones from one big head guy that overlookedit when he took them but and there is a but since there are so many people dealing with it i know theres a solution to the problem, Jigfresh was having that problem and said he got some good info from a guy not sure it worked for him or not might want to hit him up and talk to him exchange info on the PM problem he shouldnt mind hes a chill guy, i will go back and read his thread, try and find if he put the info on there.