11year old mother?


Well-Known Member
I saw this shit on the news and was blown away by this. What kind of sick bastard you gotta be to knock up a girl that young? If I was that girls dad, he wouldnt be walking right now. Post your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
That sick bastard is me hahahahahaha

I know im gonna offend some people on here with that lol
I cant wait


Well-Known Member
dots you bastard! you'll dip your wick in anything!

seriously though, 11 years old is too young to be poppin' out bairns, i don't care how young they did it in the middle ages.

was this paedophilia or was the kid complicit? how old was the father at the time of conception?

violator kush

Active Member
maury ( gets the mic and stands up) this is for the the gaint rat sniffing coke, get your self a real woman! like my gf, smacks hee ass and sits down, u can have your mic back maury


Well-Known Member
Thats fuckin disgusting I cant imagine that that is the youngest girl I ever heard of being pregnant gross


Active Member
I saw this shit on the news and was blown away by this. What kind of sick bastard you gotta be to knock up a girl that young? If I was that girls dad, he wouldnt be walking right now. Post your thoughts.

thats fucked up BUT i thought you were going to show a 11 year old mother PLANT lol. i didnt look at what section this was in just saw it under new posts.
DAMN!!!!11 year old.. Her titties must've grown like shit for a girl her age

fuckin disgusting and I can't inquire such thoughts as my brain has combusted

violator kush

Active Member
at least the dude marryed her, and there "in love" so i dont think its that bad, i mean the dude, should have ask her age, and use a rubber, but hes doing the right thing


Well-Known Member
u should read the art. there more to this story.... and its in some third world country, it most like happens like every wedsday.....
i really hope it doesnt, but it wouldnt surprise me, was it africa maybe? they are pretty fucked up when it comes to stuff like that too......Having sex with a virgin WILL NOT cure aids!