100x100 grow space SOG, 4x mars hydro TS 600's or 4x bestVA 600's

Im hoping someone is familiar with these lights theyr coverage and effectiveness.
Both fit my budget, but maybe there is something better than this that cost about same?

grow space

SOG, critical mass
Hydroponics ebb flow and drain

Reason I would get 4 each is to ensure that the canopy gets required nutrients in flowering and also I could move the light up and down after sorting plants by size.

Bestva - BestVA-600-1000-1200-1500-2000W-3000W-led-grow-light-Full-Spectrum-veg-bloom-dual-switch.jpg_q50.jpg

Mars hydro ts600 - 71E-JuHJEKL._AC_SY450_.jpg

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Forget about that bestva burple light

4 x mars hydro ts 600's cost €436 400 watts
40 watts per sq ft Very good for a 3 x 3
960 diodes A nice, even spread of light.
They do a tsw 2000 - 300 watts - that'll do the job in a 3 x 3 for €124 less if you are on a budget.
Less light tho and diodes.
That's 30 watts per sq ft
Great, thank you :)

1) Do you think I'm right to be picking these lights for my budget/setup?
2) Is there maybe something better that is around my price range?

I would love to have 4x mars 600's, only cuss I want that even light spread and I could move the lights up and down cuss I'll be doing SOG from seeds (no space for mother plant) so they might not all be same heigh, I'm looking at this hydroponic system.
EBB flow and drain with drip system If i wanted.
3) Do you think this would be a good setup for a 3x3 sog?
4) Maybe got some advice on a good genetic for yield and speed.
I was thinking critical mass



Well-Known Member
If it's within your budget then that's not a bad set up.
Critical Mass, Critical Kush, Somango XL there's a lot of big yeilder out there.