10+ weeks into flower / The Doctor GHS

Long story short I haven't had much time to really do much to her but water , lost track of time and went over the recommended flowering time (8-9). This is my first grow that I did out if my desk ( https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/663990-doctor-cfl-stealth-desk-1st.html ) haven't made a real investment on a scope or even a cheap magnifying glass. Last night I finally checked the dates on the photos from first sight of flower, it's at about 10 weeks with a good portion of the leafs dying but all buds looking good.

Past two days I have been doing heavy water, lights will be off for 24 hours and I will cut her down the next day or so. Main question really is how degraded is some of the THC going to be? Will the final product be tampered with too much or is that all in the harvest/cure? I'm open for comments.


Active Member
1 extra week is not going to degrade THC much. I've read that THC degrades into CBN roughly if your going past 3 weeks chop time.


Well-Known Member
Why are you watering heavily?

I would go light on the water and not leave a saturated pot in the dark this late in flowering. Good recipe for mold.

As for the flowering time, 10 weeks isnt that long. It is probably closer to optimal than harvesting at 8 weeks. I have never seen an overdone plant.

Rusty Trikes

Well-Known Member
If the recommended time is 8-9 weeks then the realistic time is 9-11 weeks. This is almost always true. Get a pocket microscope. They are $20. First day I got a microscope, I spent all afternoon in total amazement! A lot of smokers prefer their buds just a little late. I usually don't see "rusty triches" until week 11. By week 12 half of them (trichomes) have died and are brick red and some are broken. Perfect for couch-lock. Ive never been to week 13 before, so after that I couldn't tell ya.