10 Fem auto ak, 1 reg blueryder, 1 reg dieselryder and 3 freebies fem


Active Member
I love hanging out in Kush's thread. Lot of Kush fans here. Got creative and loaded up the bowl with a mix of Amnesia Lemon, an Amnesia Lemon pheno (more of the Amnesia Haze with dense nuggs) and some Violator Kush. Sends my brain into orbit! Brain doesnt know if it should be high from the sativa or laid out from the Kush.

Cant wait to see more pics to see how your babies are doing. Just fed bloom nutes to my ak's this morning for the first time. Arent we at about the same schedule Kushy? I'm about 2 weeks from sprout today and I think you're there too right?


Active Member
:joint:hell yeah slate. i was jus talkin to my gurl bout the bloom nutes. will give um sum dilluted version like 4 ml in a gallon in 2 days next watering. the fish mix has the soil thicker seeming it also has molasses in it. here are some more pics guys. bubba kush in the airtight g-pack and the babies made 2 weeks exactly today. some are 3 days younger though!



Active Member
Man are they growing fast! Looks great!

I was talking about it last night with my girl and the breeder said the ak's will begin to flower around day 14 or so, since they were ready for nutes I just changed em over. I still have others that need the change but they arent ready for nutes yet so I wait patiently.

Oh ya, what brand bulb did you go with for your 600w?


Well-Known Member
i started nutes on mine at about 2.5 weeks as well. They have gotten root stimulator from seed tho with every watering, and freaking LOVE IT!!! they are getting there first bath of Beasti Bloomz here in about an hr so hope they respod well to it over the weekend. Actually, they are getting Beasties, a lil bit of tiger just to keep a lil N in for an extra week, and some molasses as well...3 diesels and 1 white and 1 red dwarf will also be put into soil in bout an hour and join their buddies in the chill out room.


Active Member
im usin the bulbs that came from htgsupply. after one more grow i will change bulbs seeming im runnin two lights so they should be good for 2 grows. i think next i will just keep it simple an use regular bulbs like now. shit a 1k watts hps is a 1k hps no matter wut bulbs


Active Member
thats 1 thing i wont get caught up in i think. buyin 200 dollar bulbs. i jus need these hps to do wut they do an weed do wut it does. lol i do have digital ballast tho which is better on bill


kushy we need to j down one day fam. you down south or out west?


Well-Known Member
yeah bro they will take off! Mine were growing an inch a day in like there 3rd to 4th week. lookin good...I gotta friend wanting to buy my light so I think Im gonna upgrade to the 400W HPS and get the cooltube option as well. i am sure a small tent is in my future as well....oh, and I didnt even think about it till now, but my girl is from Chicago, rich area in Glenview actually, so suburb life like we are all striving to get back too! hehe She would love for me to take her back for a Cubs game next yr I am sure...get up and chief! off to give my babiesa sat morn bath as I held out till today instead of yest as I posted then.


Active Member
I would have to say they are taking off. Keep it up and while you're at would you pass some of that luckk my way?


Active Member
yea matty, i know exactly where glenview is. its more north than wut im shootin for tho but i def like the are. cubs and sox games are the shit. even bulls and bears games. i love it here. we have a crime prob right now but i still love being here. hey slate, they will do wut they have to bro. im sure they have a spurt ready for u in no time. im goin to be givin mine bloom nutes prolly monday. biobizz bloom to be exact. they have been gettin a foiler spray with fish mix and i watered last time with it so that may have been my luck for the big sprout, u should see them now guys


Well-Known Member
siiick...im doing some autos right now, they're flowering while my mothers and clones are vegging. i got ak47 X nyc diesel and one roadrunner...not too many even lived...but the ones that did are chronnnnic looking right now, and still have like 3-4 weeks left

definately going to keep watching this


Active Member
Kushy, I have racked my brain the last 24 hours and am no further along than I was when the plants started looking like shit. Fuck it, I'll just stop giving a fuck and let them do whatever they want. They die they die but I wont continue to aggrevate myself over some fucking plants. Gonna take a few days away from the plants to relax and chill out, after that I will look and see whats left alive and go from there.

I love how your babies look Kushy. Cant wait to see how big they get after sitting under all that light for 10 weeks. Keep it up man, at least I come to this thread and see healthy plants. Im really looking forward to the smoke report!!!


Active Member
:weed:oh yeah def bro. i mean i have the runt 1 and the man lookin one but besides that they are doin good. here is a mornin shot of the babies after a light misted spray.



Active Member
A few more weeks and you wont see much of the grow bags any more. Just look like a beautiful see of green. The smells you are going to have in that tent will be amazing man.