1 week old and bending?


Active Member
just wanna say cheers to all replies, taken on board too much light and fan is on way too much !! even help save me £. ive got another problem i opened my "grow area" (freezer) to find a mass of smoke/ steam not sure which yet but scared the shit out of me. my MH


Active Member
fucking stoned, my MH light (150watt) hangs from a DIY hanging stand bout a foot over my plants, ive planted 2 fresh females of brainstorm haze from amsterdam. (not the net i actually was there when i bought em fucking gr8 time aswell) and plans or tip from seedlings to actually havving a great harvest? expected harvest in grams ? could it of bin the heat from the metal hanging part of my light burnin my wooden stand? wat else can it be and any tip on vent? p.s my old dear and old man dnt know so being hidden will help???!! thank you , you are wonderful people......................lmfao amsterdamman x


Active Member
what do you have for ventilation at the moment.....
well at the mo i kept the lid shut constantly but now im leaving it open throught work hours 8am-1 in the afternoon, im finding out that a old fridge freezer is shit to grow in but i was eager, im trying to convert an old chest of draws but for now freezer will have to do and tips ??? any wud help ? so u dnt think it was the MH light on the wood then ????? cheers:sad:


Well-Known Member
are you sure it was smoke and not steam...heat will kill your plants

EDIT: I know how it is to work and grow at the same time (and have others living in the same place). I didnt want to leave my door open either. Im not sure about your cituation but i would suggest leaving that fridge door open..... even if you gotta drap a cover over it... maybe it could still get some air.. and hopefully not catch on fire

well at the mo i kept the lid shut constantly but now im leaving it open throught work hours 8am-1 in the afternoon, im finding out that a old fridge freezer is shit to grow in but i was eager, im trying to convert an old chest of draws but for now freezer will have to do and tips ??? any wud help ? so u dnt think it was the MH light on the wood then ????? cheers:sad:


Active Member
are you sure it was smoke and not steam...heat will kill your plants

EDIT: I know how it is to work and grow at the same time (and have others living in the same place). I didnt want to leave my door open either. Im not sure about your cituation but i would suggest leaving that fridge door open..... even if you gotta drap a cover over it... maybe it could still get some air.. and hopefully not catch on fire
cheers green earth, ive left the lid open for a few hours a day now and the stem is on the mend hoo fucking ra the only thing is the leaves havent grown in size have drooped over and are a dark green colour, havent added nutes or ferts yet anyway any suggestions m8 ???


Active Member
sorry man, im a newbie with diagnosing plants
thatss ok mate what seeds you have what type ??? u think my grow will go better in the chest of draws in the garage??? so far my seedlings havent even got to the stage where there are even 2 large leaves like you see in the first 2 weeks, i havent had that yet , what am i doing wrong ? cud it be just the ventilation problem, im cooking them ???? i have to change it to my draws !!!!!!!!!!!! cheers green earth


Active Member
You're probably over watering them... They should only be watered every 3 or 4 days...
thats the only problem with watering everyone has there own opinion, i was watering them every 2 days, then i watered them every time i felt the top of the soil was bone dry now your saying 3-4 days. i cnt decide which route to take so fuck it im sticking with my ownim using a stick, every time the middle of the stick is dry i will water them,, have any ideas on the not getting passed the twoo droopy leave stage ??? cheers