1 week flowering, yellowing leaves


Well-Known Member
Hello all, i seem to be experiencing yellowing leaves after my first dose of nuts in flowering
I have bloom builder by Schultz, which is a 5-30-5, the only thing my local home depot had on hand. Is this yellowing caused by this?? or is it a lack of N in my solution? I am on week one in the flowering cycle. Temps have been up and down, 90-86. Soil is a Schultz potting mix with organic peat moss. Water Ph i have no idea last time i checked it was somewhere around 6- 6.2, hard to match the colour with the test kit.
Any help is really appreciated and i will give rep if need be! I have looked through some threads but nothing is really describing lower mature leaves turning yellow!

pics below Of 2 out of the 3 plants i have.



Well-Known Member
Hello all, i seem to be experiencing yellowing leaves after my first dose of nuts in flowering
I have bloom builder by Schultz, which is a 5-30-5, the only thing my local home depot had on hand. Is this yellowing caused by this?? or is it a lack of N in my solution? I am on week one in the flowering cycle. Temps have been up and down, 90-86. Soil is a Schultz potting mix with organic peat moss. Water Ph i have no idea last time i checked it was somewhere around 6- 6.2, hard to match the colour with the test kit.
Any help is really appreciated and i will give rep if need be! I have looked through some threads but nothing is really describing lower mature leaves turning yellow!

pics below Of 2 out of the 3 plants i have.
That is exactly what happened to my plants and I am still trying to solve the problem. I am not sure if it is a lack of N or a pH problem!

Be careful about adding more nutrients right now man. Find out for sure if it is a pH problem or not, if not then give them a good N feeding but wait a little to see how they respond before doing any feeding again.

I've discovered that determining your pH in soil SUCKS. First of all I wonder how accurate a soil runoff test is. Second of all the little pH test kits where you have to match the color suck; sometimes its yellow sometimes its light greenish yellow, the lighting in the room screws with your eyes.

If anyone could help us out with a reliable way of determining soil pH that would be great! Soil pH is ideal around 6.5 right?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, It has been in flowering for a week, and i had similar problems in veg and i used a 24-8-16 miracle grow and it helped out the yellowing.

I gave it a lil dose of my 24-8-16 in with the Bloom Builder..obviously not that much but to try and offset the low N...

I am going to moniter the situation tonight, should i maybe flush ??? see if it gets any better? i dont want to lose them!!

too much water?? i do every two/three days.

Some small roots are coming out of the bottom of the pots, is this a big deal?



New Member
If roots r coming out the bottom,then repot,u still have a way to go and that will def stunt growth


Well-Known Member
by the looks of pic 6 you got some possible nute burn..Dry curling and looks brittle on the far right of the pic...Now i am gonna agree about the pot size may also be an issue..But not the core of the problem...Now if it is a nute lockout problem due to over nuting..Flushing is the only way to fix it..And if i was gonna do that i would just repot to make it more effective


Well-Known Member
by the looks of pic 6 you got some possible nute burn..Dry curling and looks brittle on the far right of the pic...Now i am gonna agree about the pot size may also be an issue..But not the core of the problem...Now if it is a nute lockout problem due to over nuting..Flushing is the only way to fix it..And if i was gonna do that i would just repot to make it more effective
The other plant has some leaves what are curling down and seem dry, should i flush them or wait a few days seeing if the problem gets better/worse?


Well-Known Member
Now both pants are Looking very very bad!!!!
They are both wilting and leaves curling down, including fan leaves, plants look like they are dieing.
Compared To the pics, the plants look like the leaves are just dieing, unable to hold themselves up. I just nuted once for all who have joined the grow, and i need to water every2-3 days. Is This an over watering issue or a Over nueting issue. Please help! Dont want to loose these Girls, Both are confirmed fems!


Well-Known Member
well did you try nitrogen? you could give them a flush and then get them out of those pots and into something bigger with some nice fresh compost thats alresdy got what it needs, that fert was way to low on nitrogen,if leaves go yellow and crisp brown its mag def which is cured with epsom salts in water.


mate i had that exact problem.....so i dont use ferts until 2 weeks from germination. If you use just water for a week......maybe add a little nitrogen maybe some thing thats ery week like a boost some thing that like a 6-2-2. It maybe because your using a full dose for seedlings which will get enough ferts from the soil so i think to leave it for a while until it looks healthier.



Well-Known Member
Ok so Im going to re pot these babies into fresh soil with more space to grow, hopefully this helps my problem out


Active Member
Hard to say from the pictures. The first i thought was nitrogen deficiency. If u gave very little nutes during veg and you had a long veg it backs up this theory. Also look for nutrition values in the soil bag, if they´re low it further points to N deficiency. In this case the repotting will help a little since it gets fresh soil with nutes. Just having a small pot wont show those symptoms, the plant will just grow slower. Those totally yellow leaves point to N deficiency.

It looks also a bit overwatered.

EDIT: Now when i think of it it might actually be overwatering. Those leaves are a bit droopy which is a symptom of overwatering. Also overwatering can lead to yellow leaves like in your case. How much do you water the plant? Is the soil always dry when u do it? Try to cut down on watering. Underwatering is not as serious as overwatering and the symptoms are much clearer. If u gave nutrients during veg then I'll call this overwatering :) (and yet again repotting will help this problem too, so overall it's a good move)


yeh thats good advice from the guy above! and yeh agree totally.........try get some bio biz light mix or some gold label special mix there good. try and work on the principle a gallon a foot so if it is 3 feet tall youll need a 3 gallon pot
EDIT? Everyone does it?


Active Member
So what happened to this situation? I take it they recovered because we would probably hear more if not. What worked?