1 more curled leaf question


I,m 2 weeks into flowering and I have curled leaf tips again. I only water every 4 days or so until the water just runs out the bottom. I think its the time release fertilizers in this MG potting mix cuz I don't, at least for a month, fertilize seperatly. I,d like to add some 8-25-8 bloom fert. but I don't want to make this worse. I,d hate to screw them up this far along. Any suggestions ? Thanks,.curl 002.jpgcurl 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
what are your temps like at canopy level??

if they turn dark green and curl under more looking like a claw then it could be N toxicity. But they dont look dark enough for that.

if they arent showing any deficiencies and are growing well why add anything?
