1 Month Veg. How many plants? 3x3 tent 400w hps


3x3 tent with 400w hps air cooled

Veg for 1 month
1 week red cups, 3 weeks 2 gallon smart pots ( should i use different size pot? )
Switch to flower

How many plants should i try for if using fem seeds?

what about using reg seeds?

what size pots should i use?


Well-Known Member
I would reccommend four in 3 gal smart pots if your going to veg that long....or you could go 12/12 from seed and do nine in 2 gal smart pots...


so 1 month veg in 2 gallon smart pots wouldnt be good? because its too long of veg?

could i do 9 in 2 gallon, 4 weeks veg, no topping ?


Well-Known Member
I fit 9 under my dr90 under a 400w.... I went with 3 gal tho..... Just make sure to lollipop your undergrowth.... N try rotating ur plants under the light.... 30 days could be just fine depends on the strain.... Ex jamacain dream flowers in 45 days where as some sativas go for months.... Worse case scenario if they get to big is to scrog or supper crop them.... Just take ur time n read what others have done.... Most of my experiences are with autos but I'm on my third photo now... I'm at about day 32 in veg n I think ill be just fine since its a 70 day flower


Well-Known Member
i grew 7 fem seeds out in my 3x3 under a 400..
also i moved when in flower so i just brought the plants.. lots of broken branches.. still did very well, advanced nutrients