1-2 plants setup


Active Member
ok i want ideas probably of a cooler ect...

i want everything u use all the links ect.
from cooler to lights to fans to pots everything.

has to be relativly small and odor at a minimum. also budget at a minimum.

would help if your from england or the uk.
if not please dont say go to wallmart because there is no wallmart in england that i know of.
also traveling a problem.

ideas ideas please.


Well-Known Member
Im a newb myself, but if you just took the time to read some of the threads in this section and the newbie section, you would find answers to most of your questions. Also get a lot of ideas in the process.

I got a lot of my stuff from ebay. Lots of other stuff you can get from a hardware store.

For odor, you need a carbon filter. Check the DIY section.
Im using CFL lights to grow, which you can get at supermarkers/hardware stores. Plan to order a 400w HPS off eBay from HTG here soon.

Really tho. Im not one to be giving much advice, really all I can say is what I had first said. Check newbie section. Several people asking similar questions that already have answers, will speed up your process too.