1,000 Watt Metal Halide bulb for flowering?


Active Member
I recently bought a ebb and grow system with a 55 gallon drum res, 18 pots, a metal track with a automatic motor, and a 1,000 watt metal halide bulb. I already have a 600 watt HPS bulb and am wondering if the 1,000 bulb would be sufficient for 18 plants with the light moving back and forth over the plants? I was going to try using the 600 watt HPS for veg. plants and mothers but I'm not sure if that would be too much, should I go ahead and get a 400 watt MH for the veg?



Well-Known Member
1000 watter kicks out alot of light and the down side is they kick out the heat as well.


Well-Known Member
Put the 1000 AND the 600 on the light mover for flowering, then get a few cheap 4' flouro tubes for veg You don't need even a 400 halide for veg, put all the power into flowering and your flower cycle of at least 8 weeks is plenty of time for any veg even with just 4' standard cheap flouro tubes. (A total of 6 or 8 tubes, meaning if you get fixtures with 2 tubes ea run 3 or 4 fixtures) Those are like $10ea at lowes etc.


Active Member
Do you think Growlux (I think that's what their called) bulbs would be good enough for the vegetation cycle along with the mothers because I have a could of those as well.



Well-Known Member
nacho, the 1000 W Mh would be best for your veg. Should keep them short and bushy. For Flowering, you can actually use both, or alternate every few days.

But You want Mh for veg, and Hps for Flower.


Well-Known Member
Wow crazy advice. Sort of right but not really. 1000w veg holy crap batman! MH is best for veg technically but 1000w is pure flower power and totally inapropriate for veg really, just wasteful beyond all recognition.

1000mh and 600hps is about as fine a combination for flowering as you can get. Flowering is not limited to HPS alone, nor is vegging with HPS any real problem either, the differences either way are slight but broad spectrum light coverage in flower is widely accepted as better than HPS alone.

One might veg with a 1000mh if that's all they have, I have done that many times but a 250 or even enough flouro tubes can veg as big as you would need in the given flower cycle you're vegging to be ready for anyway. You could actually have to hold growth back, they could easily get too big in 8 weeks under 1k waiting for the flower room to open up. Not sure what his space limitaitons are or how he moves plants from veg to flower, probably starting in 4" rockwool cubes? That's most common anyway. You'd outgrow what those cubes would support in a hearbeat.


Active Member
I'm cloning into rapid rooters and moving into clay hydroton with a 5" NET pot once the clone has rooted. After it goes into the 5" net pot it will go into a ebb and flow 2' X 4' tray for another 2-3 weeks before going into the 2 gallon hydroton filled ebb and grow system in the flower room. I'm thinking it could just go under the growlux bulbs for veg. before going into the flower room with both the MH and the 600 watt HPS bulb for another 2 months.