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  1. W33D

    ~Cold Curing!!?Miracle Break Through To Achive The Most Colorful Buds U Ever Seen!!!

    My theory on non-genetic purple traits among plants is that diffent temperatures affect the pH of a medium. A drop in temp will result in a drop in pH. Now this drop in pH blocks out certain nutrients being available to a plant, example phosphorus. A sign of a phos def is purple. So in essence...
  2. W33D

    can i flower under flouros?

    These were harvest at just over 1ft, flowered under 2 4ft 40w fluorescent tubes. The final buds:
  3. W33D

    Crazy Marijuana Bust (No, not the underground one)

    So just because you got pots full of soil with irrigation tubes leading to them, it's a hydroponic operation? Excuse me, a hydroponics lab. Who's experimenting?
  4. W33D

    20 seeds 20 bux

    Whoa, when I clicked "Order" and it takes me to the order form, the web address changes from to Wtf?
  5. W33D

    20 seeds 20 bux

    Shit, I'm in a tight situation right now, and I'd pay $20 for any seeds. I just want to grow!
  6. W33D

    Is this weed???!!!!

    Poison Ivy?
  7. W33D

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    Nice one TBurn. Edit: Theres a plant called Indica within the Potentilla family. (Potentilla Indica)
  8. W33D

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    Hmm, I think I have the same plant growing in my backyard, if not a differen't species of it. Heres some pics, WITH the flowers bloomed. I've been trying to figure out what this is for awhile now. It grows to about 1-1/2ft, all leaves have 7 blades.
  9. W33D


    You have to upload the pic so a pic site like photobucket or imageshack. Then get the link to the upload photo and plasce it in between the image tags.
  10. W33D

    changing light cycle plz help

    When the dark cycle comes around, go into, skip the next light cycle, and turn lights on next cycle.
  11. W33D

    Can i flower plants ,that are 2 weeks apart,at the same time?

    Yup, just make sure to keep track how long each plant has been flowering for, don't want to harvest too late or too early.
  12. W33D

    New track to my garden(not me)=(

    Probably another grower looking for a spot.
  13. W33D

    3 noded marijuana plant

    I believe it's called polyploidy. Look it up.
  14. W33D

    Intake vent with light trap

    ^^^BASTARD! That was my idea, steals credit!
  15. W33D

    Intake vent with light trap

    Hook some black tubing up long enough so light doesn't show through. Have it sealed on the inside part of the intake vent, and run the tubing along the bottom of the room, giving it "corners" if necessary to block light and allowing fresh air underneath the canopy. This is one method that came...
  16. W33D

    Guerilla Irrigation

    Nothing gravity, a hose, and the siphoning principle can't handle.
  17. W33D

    Question regarding gallon pots

    Hit up your local landfill, I bet they're a dozen 5g buckets laying around.
  18. W33D

    Biology lesson.

    Yeah, cannabis doesn't grow wild, never did. Some aliens 10,000 years ago showed up in asia and india and russia and handed out potted marijuana plants with 1,000w HPS's.
  19. W33D

    Feeding vs. Fertilizing? and what to use?

    Fertilizing IS feeding. For vegetative growth you need Nitrogen and less Phosphate, a steady dose of potassium is ideal. And for flowering you will need less Nitrogen and more Phosphorus and same levels of Potassium.
  20. W33D

    2 comPLETELY contradictive seedling guides

    Well its said the radicle (taproot) grows out and does a 180 degree turn, thus the advice of planting radicle/taproot facing upwards. But, roots grow down right? Its common practice to plant taproot down.