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  1. bradlyallen2

    Rush Limbaugh is a douchebag

    So the head of the GOP...Limbaugh, gave a speech to his thoughtless minions yesterday. Rush proclaimed that conservatives need to embrace the constitution where it says we are all entitled to "inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, freedom -- and the pursuit of happiness". What he failed...
  2. bradlyallen2

    Obama admits to mistake In an interview regarding his selection of Tom Daschle, Obama says he personally takes responsibility for having selected Daschle, admits it was a mistake in light of what is now known about Daschle's tax issues, and...
  3. bradlyallen2

    To those who would complain about the unfair "Liberal Media"

    Read this article: "China defends media's Obama speech censorship" The great irony here is that this situation involves actual media censorship, not an unsubstantiated complaint so often heard amongst Republicans who are...
  4. bradlyallen2

    Cheney pulls back muscle, in wheelchair for inauguration

    Small justice in the last moments... Cheney pulls back muscle, in wheelchair for inauguration
  5. bradlyallen2

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    As bad as the past 8 years has been in the near future I think we will look back and see that allowing Iran to create nucleur weapons unchecked was a monumental fuck up like only the village idiot from tex-ass could do.
  6. bradlyallen2

    Cheney Says Nobody Saw Economic Crisis Coming

    In an interview with The Associated Press, Cheney also said that Bush has no need to apologize for not foreseeing the economic crisis. "I don't think anybody saw it coming," he said. 2005 video of Bill Mahere predicting crsis...
  7. bradlyallen2

    White House complains about NYT article

    "reporting' in this story amounted to finding selected quotes to support a story the reporters fully intended to write from the onset, while disregarding anything that didn't fit their point of view," White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said" As an exercise in irony replace the word...
  8. bradlyallen2

    Imagine if McCain and Palin won

    If those two feebs won we would be so fucked right now. Depsite our economy being all jacked up from Bush at least Obama has a handle on this and shows up once a week in a public forum to discuss what he has been doing. Bush couldn't possibly be more invisible and republicans in house/senate...
  9. bradlyallen2

    Full Size Fake Plants

    As a pro-cannabis citizen who doesn't smoke, grow, or really have anything to do with marijuana other than pay for it's prohibition with my taxes, I am very tempted to purchase one of these 6' tall fake plants for display in my front window as an act of civil protest. Even better would be to buy...
  10. bradlyallen2

    Why Palin can't win in 2012

    While musing about the reasons for the continued interest in such a mediocre VP candidate it occurred to me why she can't possibly win for President in 2012, she will have to win her party's nomination first. That means she will have to participate in her party's primaries, and that means public...
  11. bradlyallen2

    One last rant about George Bush

    I am so glad this past 8 years is almost over. It will feel good to not be embarressed about our president for the first time in a long time. I like the way that fucking idiot has all but disappearred from any media coverage in months. I bet he is scared and sad for how bad he has fucked up our...
  12. bradlyallen2

    Cops spending your tax dollars

    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Albuquerque Police Department has turned to the want ads for snitches. An ad this week in the alternative newspaper The Alibi asks "people who hang out with crooks" to do part-time work for the police. It reads in part: "Make some extra cash! Drug use and criminal record...
  13. bradlyallen2

    Rise and Fall of the GOP, comments by Ron Paul

    Great article about this on with insights from Ron Paul. Commentary: GOP should ask why U.S. is on the wrong track - Best quotes are: In the rise and fall of the recent Republican reign of power these past decades, the goal of the party had grown to be only that of gaining and...
  14. bradlyallen2

    60 watt incandescent club

    Hey I am looking for the 60 watt incandescent/table lamp club, where can I find it?
  15. bradlyallen2

    Looks like we are finally about to have a real President again.

    It's only taken 8 years.
  16. bradlyallen2

    Fraud in Palin's $40 billion Alaskan pipeline bidding

    In interviews and a review of records, the AP found: _Instead of creating a process that would attract many potential builders, Palin slanted the terms away from an important group — the global energy giants that own the rights to the gas. _Despite promises and legal guidance not to talk...
  17. bradlyallen2

    Pro-America vs Anti-America on Nov 4th?

    There has been a lot said at Republican rallys lately regarding what is "rela America" or "pro-America". These people keep making these statements that "real America" exists in small rural towns and some have even gone on to say that congressional members should be evaluated to see if they are...
  18. bradlyallen2

    Palin pre-empts state report, clears self in probe

    The Mccain/Palin campaign now seems to be inventing it's own reality when confonted with uncomfortable truths. Palin pre-empts state report, clears self in probe - Yahoo! News
  19. bradlyallen2

    Palin found guilty of abusing power in troopergate

    Imagine this, a republican who abuses power. Panel: Palin Abused Her Power in Firing of Commissioner - Elections
  20. bradlyallen2

    Leaked Palin debate prep team video

    This Woman is Allowed to Vote Video Link to leaked video of Sarah Palin and her debate prep team.