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  1. H

    HazeyBee's 2nd Grow

    Comments / Questions / Suggestions are welcome... My 1st grow produced one male and one female. Due to privacy issues, I had to cut her down before she really had any yield. Check out my first grow. Germination Same seeds as before. A local hybrid called Black Sparrow. Grow Space 60...
  2. H

    What am I looking at here?

    3 weeks in I notice this nice crystal-like stuff appearing on the leaves... accompanied by a nice aroma. What exactly is this? I thought THC wasn't produced until well into flowering. If I can see this with the naked eye now, in two months this baby is going to be white, no? Just curious...
  3. H

    Soil / Transplant Question

    I'm just over 3 weeks into veg from seed. I've had them in 5" clay pots and am ready to transplant them to begin my LST. Here a pic of my soil. It's a miracle grow water retention soil. It's what I had on hand and I will use it for their new pots as well. My question is... What should I...
  4. H

    Seeking DG - Regina, Saskatchewan

    I'm on the final leg of paperwork, with my doctors appointment in March to have everything finalized. I'm just looking for a designated grower at the moment. All suggestions welcomed! Thank You
  5. H

    HazeyBee's 1st Grow

    Day 0 to 1 Here it is, my first grow. Stealth, Limited Space, Limited Funds. Growing in a somewhat stealth cabinet, in my closet, in my room, in a basement. Picked up 10 hybrid seeds from my local shop. It's their own strain called Black Sparrow 30/70 if I remember correctly. Here's my...
  6. H

    Question About Eligibility... Hep C

    I'm currently going through Hep C treatment. It involves interferon (same as cancer treatment) and on a weekly basis I'm faced with severe flu symptoms. Approaching my treating physician I was told that Marijuana is not an option. I know that I would be a Category 2, however there is no way...
  7. H

    Purchasing supplies... Retailers questions...

    I'm currently working on a custom made grow-box and in the coming days i'll head down to a local hydroponics shop to purchase my ventilation, filter, and a few other necessities. My concern is that these people are knowledgeable and will be asking me about my space requirements and what I'll be...