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  1. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    I think I need to point something out here. This thread has its own half-baked assumptions with people who think THEY have the moral ground to make character judgments on those who invest in the industry. You all have no problem casting aspersions upon people who are actually trying to help us...
  2. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    My logic isn't flawed from the perspective of a recreational user or that of a legislator. To that end, what medical relief is someone getting that requires 150g/mth ? At that level I question its efficacy. It must be minimal. That aside, the proposed legislation is creating a means by which...
  3. heckler73

    2018..The epic grow your own year!

    That's the other part that has to be dealt with...If there are not enough people growing outdoors, it becomes too much of a target. A greenhouse becomes practically mandatory, in my estimation. Would that have helped in your case?
  4. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    Oh, you were remarking how your 49 plant license was taken away and how it was necessary to your health. To which I questioned why you couldn't get adequate "medicine" from 4 plants, which is why you are stuck with requiring the services of LPs if pressed to act under the Law. After seeing what...
  5. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    In herb form? Or extract? If you smoked half as much, what would happen?
  6. heckler73

    2018..The epic grow your own year!

    In the GVRD, though?
  7. heckler73

    2018..The epic grow your own year!

    Duly noted... That'll give me more time to prepare, and is closer to legalization anyway. I get the rest of my garden ready around then, though, so I'm just used to being out there already :mrgreen:
  8. heckler73

    2018..The epic grow your own year!

    Then I will be surprised! :shock: I guess I better start prepping the bed in February...maybe shoot for an April (4/20? :lol: ) or May planting. I believe that would be adequate time to develop a decent SCROG. I don't think growing a tree would be wise for my area. Since I already do a...
  9. heckler73

    2018..The epic grow your own year!

    What do you mean when you say, "a damn mess"?
  10. heckler73

    2018..The epic grow your own year!

    Oh hey...It's not like I need to grow it. I just enjoy doing it, so losses are losses. But I haven't thought about doing outdoors since the 90s, because (at least back then in BC) I was under the impression that getting more than a QP from an outdoor was unlikely, so I've always concentrated on...
  11. heckler73

    2018..The epic grow your own year!

    I'm now officially looking forward to summer and taking part in my legal 4 plants! Based on this I won't need more than 2, great googly moogly! :mrgreen:
  12. heckler73

    2018..The epic grow your own year!

    Or build a hut from all those damn colas! Jeezus Freakin Keyrist! This was in Canada?
  13. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    Can you explain what dispensaries in Vancouver and Toronto are marketing themselves as? They "use patients", too. Yet they are considered the "farmer's market" of cannabis. Double-standards? Okay, so how does the oncoming legalization environment change that need for you? What were you doing...
  14. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    How much were you growing under the mmar? What were you charging? Were you restrained from the mmpr application process? If so, in what way (i.e. barrier to entry, cost, time, etc.)?
  15. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    I agree that a need for caveat emptor ethics is a burden, but without it we probably wouldn't have the luxury of being at the threshold of something this grand. We do the same with damn near everything else we consume "legally" in this world.
  16. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    So, if a craft-growing industry sprung up, and started selling for less than the black-market, it would be good? I agree. Let's legalize it! Let's get out in the streets, smoke our joints in front of city halls across this Nation, Johnny Kushseeding our way to the steps of Parliament! OVERGROW...
  17. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    What is considered a more liberal evolution in society? Medical cannabis or recreational cannabis? I would argue the latter. Therefore, why would one need to use a "medical guise"? Are you implying "medical" cannabis is more lucrative than recreational cannabis?
  18. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    Very well, I will go read those, and ponder the merit. EDIT: I just noticed I was reading cannabiscandor.COM but have found the correct site now, thanks. Which right are you referring to, exactly? The one you had while it was illegal? Consider the defacto status of cannabis in Vancouver; do...
  19. heckler73

    LP supporter & invester shame the idiots pics here...after all...funny is funny.

    :lol: To understand my position, you are welcome to read Mark Blaug's "Economic Theory in Retrospect"...ALL OF IT.