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  1. T

    Clone Roots Not Big Enough?

    I have a clone that I had in a 1 gal pot for about 1 week. I just transplanted it 2 days ago, but when I did, I just started to see the roots. I was wondering what the problem was when I saw all these drooping leaves the second sunlight hit that bitch. What should I do to help the plants roots...
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    400w HPS in closet safe?

    I want to put a 400w HPS bulb in my closet, but i'm afraid it will be too dangerous, will this have a chance of fire? It'll be kept away from clothes. Is there anything that I should do to make it as safe as possible? I don't want to burn anything in my closet.
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    First Indoor Setup, what do you think???

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    3 week plant stopped growing and already flowering

    Ok so I have a 3 week old clone growing outdoors right now, I got it as a clone at 2 weeks it was already flowering. This small ass 8 inch plant stopped growing and is shooting out the branches hard as fuck right now and it's all flowering. When do you think this little shit is gonna bud? Fuck...
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    Should I water these plants everyday?

    I have 2 clones right now outdoors, i'm in socal they are getting about 8 hours of direct sunlight a day and we've been having about 90 degree weather. Should I still give them 200ml every 2 days or every day since the weather conditions.
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    Metal Halide Lights For Vegging?

    Should I use a metal halide light during the vegging stage? Or a high pressure sodium?
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    Is my plant overwatered? Underwatered?

    Is my plant looks overwatered, i uploaded a picture, what do you think is wrong with my plant? I am growing it outdoors in SoCal it was 90 degrees today with a nice breeze, if that might have anything to do with it. Vocal booth in the back, thats right
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    Nutrients to use during vegging?

    Are there different nutrients to use during the vegging of a marijuana plant? What NPK should the soil have for vegging?
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    Getting plants enough sun?

    I have 2 clones growing on my roof. Do you need to make sure your plants gets 12 hours of sunlight? For outdoor? Or what?
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    Home Depot Nutrients?

    What good nutrients could I buy from home depot, my 2 plants are clones 2-3 weeks, just potted them with soil mixture with perlite, they are 2-3 weeks old. P.s. they are growing outdoor
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    Do you need nutrients???? READ

    Do you need nutrients or anything to put in the soil before potting a clone? Thanks in advance.
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    What is the best time to water your plants

    What is the best time to water your plants in the morning? During the day? How many times per week? How to know when your plant needs water? Also this is outdoor.... Thanks in advance
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    2 week clone already flowering?

    I have a 2 week clone and it's already growing flowers its only about 6 inches tall if that, is this normal? Is this good or bad?
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    Can you put an indoor plant outdoor?

    I have 2 clones that were grown indoor they are 2-3 weeks old and I want to grow them outdoor, would this be a good idea?
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    Growing on my roof, good idea?

    I have 2 hybrid clones that I want to put on my roof, I think it just might be a perfect spot to grow, my neighbors tree is so big and bushy is covers a huge part of my roof. I could literally put 5 plants and they wouldn't even be seen. I'm just worried about the smell, I have a one story house...