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  1. luciferi

    SE Asia Grow!!

    Happy 2016!!! Wanted to do this thread since last year but didn't have a decent camera or internet. Using local organic peat based soil + local compost. Nutes have just started using fish emulsion and kelp extract. Starting trying outdoors only last year but cause of lack of sunlight plants...
  2. luciferi

    My outdoor Thai Sativa how much longer!! Is it nearly done some red hairs.

    Hey i was wondering if anyone has had experience with any thai strains? this was started outdoors and vegged for about a month before going into flowering as we are approaching winter in South east asia. I have noticed some of the hair tips have been turning brown? is this because not enough...
  3. luciferi

    HARvested outdoor grow first attempt!!

    Well these plants were vegged indoors for 40days then thrown straight into the dirt outdoor without much soil prep. They ended up being small runts but i still got my indoor grow going and few outdoor ones started outdoors in pots straight away which r doing a lot better.. I am growing in...
  4. luciferi

    R they nearly Ready for harvest?? (day 65-70

    hey guys these were vegged for about 30days and then put outside in the ground. should've kept them in big pots would've done better i think but o well.. We are about 65-70days into flowering here are some pics do you think they will bulk up more or are they nearly done.. How many weeks...
  5. luciferi

    equator grow help please outdoor

    Hey it would be great to get some advice from experienced growers. We are growing in Northern Thailand and would like some advice for outdoor growing.. Is it best to veg indoors then move outdoors or just start them outdoors so they adapt to the lightcycle.. What would be best time/month to...
  6. luciferi

    2 autos are they done?

    well i have 2 autos one is nothern lights blue other is dark devil.... I wanted to ask your oppinions of my plants.. are they nearly done how many weeks would u say or should i just wait till the fan leaves die out check out my grow journal too info is in there..
  7. luciferi

    i think they ready!! Soaps LED+HPS grow

    so far first experience with autos so i topped them but fuck it just test plant.... dark devil and northern lights blue... just moved white widow and a master kush into flowering room got like 5plants under the 600w HPS + 2 85w CFLs.... thnk i got enough power or should i cut down to 4 really...
  8. luciferi

    HPS 600 + LED setup

    dark devil and northern lights blue... just moved white widow and a master kush into flowering room got like 5plants under the 600w HPS + 2 85w CFLs.... thnk i got enough power or should i cut down to 4 really grow space is 1.5x2m one exhaust fan which is always open going up into the...
  9. luciferi

    are they done yet??

    dark devil and northern lights blue... just moved white widow and a master kush into flowering room got like 5plants under the 600w HPS + 2 85w CFLs.... thnk i got enough power or should i cut down to 4 really grow space is 1.5x2m one exhaust fan which is always open going up into the...
  10. luciferi

    autoflower getting done so fast no yield?? wat to do?

    Hey guys im going same stuff but need help bottow leaves are yellowing badly but top seems fine its about 40days old from seed but still tiny buds but hairs goin red... I dont know if i fucked it up with topping but im sure it difenitely fucked my yield up.. any advise on wats going on i grow in...
  11. luciferi

    Auto flower ready for harvest or nute deficiency

    Hey guys i have been worried about my autos they seem to be looking down with wilted leaves and things ground was dry so added some water with little nutes today but i think im going to start flushing them from now on what is your guys advice?? my bottom leaves seem to be wilting and going...
  12. luciferi

    Dark Devil and Northern lights blue (day35)

    Hey guys these are my babies about day35 from seedling. How do they look and will these buds gain any mass>? they are under 300w+450w LED for 20/4 The one with more hairs and buds and bigger one is the Dark Devil Where as the smaller one is northern light blule... Anyone else with some...
  13. luciferi

    ุุHPS600W Flowering + 300W+450WLED VEG (INDOOR THAILAND)

    well heres an update of veg and flower room.. i would say 2-3weeks in flower room and 4-5weeks vegging plants includin the autos... Heres my lastest pics of my modified setup and my plants... In the veg room i added two seedlings which have sprouted which i forgot to take photos... So the...
  14. luciferi

    Lastest Grow progress 600w HPS + LEDS

    VEG ROOM = 300w LED + 450W LED Flowering Room = 600w HPS + 2x85W CFLs. This is my lastest update on my babies they are doing alrite some advice would be great though.. Check out my Journal for a better update of whats happening and for advice and questions...
  15. luciferi

    600w HPS flowering room / perpetual grow..

    Ok heres a question for you guys... Right now im growing 6plants in my veg room of which 2 are autos... and i got 6flowering... I am wondering how i should setup my perpetual grow from now on should i stick to same strains on each grow or how should i go about this.. I dont know when my first...
  16. luciferi

    how many plants under 400w HPS??

    How many plants you think i can get flowering out of 400w HPS??
  17. luciferi

    600w HPS vs LEDs for flowering??

    Hey guys i am getting a donation of a 600w HPS for my grow.. right now i am currently using a 300w led for veg room and 450w led for flowering.. I am thinking of moving the leds together in veg room and using the 600w HPS in the flowering room on its own what do you guys think?? I have heard a...
  18. luciferi

    More or less plants?

    Hey guys i really need some advice on if i should just grow 2-3big plants or grow 6little ones.. I have a 300w LED and a 450w LED. I think 6 is a bit too many so was wondering if i could grow 2-3big plants instead to get same yield any experience?? I have seen some people grow crazy 1plant grows.
  19. luciferi

    Just moved these into flowering room!!

    Yo i just moved these babies into my flowering room after about 6weeks of veg.. They are all varied in sizes cause of experiments with soil mix and nutes. Can anyone recommend some nutes im using a mostly peat moss based mix with perlite and vermiculite and about 10%topsoil. Here is how my...
  20. luciferi

    Asia's thread for people who want to share

    Yo people lets share our grows from asia and tell us wat country and how u grow... I am in Thailand growing indoors currently but may flower outdoors can follow my journal in the link below plz come and comment about my plant growth good or bad Much apreciated everyone heres a few pics of my old...