Search results

  1. Lilliac

    What veggies do you grow hydro?

    I'm starting an indoor hydroponic veggie garden and I don't want to be limited to toms and peppers. What have you had luck with? Bad luck with? I'm ordering Apple Green Eggplant, Chives, Dark Opal Basil, Bridge to Paris Peppers, Joe's Round Pepper, Polish Linguisia Tom and Principe Borghese Sun...
  2. Lilliac

    Yoga + Weed

    I was just in a kundalini class and got completely into the mind of it for a minute, I wasn't too stoned; just coming down. Does anyone have great stories about their yoga experiences? :peace:
  3. Lilliac

    Homemade pipes/pieces/bongs/whatever!

    Just made a pill bottle pipe, and a waterbottle-bong (easily concealed) How about you guys?:leaf:
  4. Lilliac

    Favourite stoned snack..

    Let's get some good weird suggestions in here! I'm in a ravenous ramen mood, ma'self.:joint:
  5. Lilliac

    What seeds to buy?

    First time grower here, and I was wondering what some good beginner seeds are. (not picky about things I'm probably no good at because of no experience yet). I have a very limited grow space so short varieties are best! ;-)
  6. Lilliac

    Let's have a good vibe emanating beautiful love thread

    Let's make a thread we can all go to when we feel like shit (or not!) so we can see how much love there can be. Love you, sisters and brothers.
  7. Lilliac

    Closet Circulation?

    How does every one else? I'm doing alot of research for my first closet/smallscale grow, and I have the light fixture, but no cooling/circulation ideas. PS, no punching holes in my wall peace, Love & Light!
  8. Lilliac

    Closet Circulation Central!

    How do you guys do it? I'm doing mega research for my first closet grow, and I have the light fixture, but no cooling/circulation ideas. PS, no punching holes in my wall Peace, Love, Light!
  9. Lilliac

    Closet Circulation

    How do you guys do it? I'm doing mega research for my first closet grow, and I have the light fixture, but no cooling/circulation ideas. PS, no punching holes in my wall Stay high, kids.
  10. Lilliac

    first timer, does this lighting setup look alright?

    would a set up consisting of these three components be alright? is there anything missing, bad lights..etc? : I'm going...
  11. Lilliac

    first time growing, would this minimal setup be alright?

    would a set up consisting of these three components be alright? is there anything missing, bad lights..etc? : I'm going...
  12. Lilliac

    first timer, this a good setup?

    would a set up consisting of these three components be alright? is there anything missing, bad lights..etc? :