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  1. ZAQ

    HARVESTING is killing me

    SPAM I am sorry that I got tide up with this advertisement
  2. ZAQ

    Sacramento police enforce pot greenhouse laws

    FEMA, meet Permit-gate was just two years ago when the Federal Emergency Management Agencyannounced the results of its post-Hurricane Katrina assessment of our city’s levee system. The take-home message was shocking. The report stated: “Sacramento is considered the urban area most...
  3. ZAQ

    Sacramento police enforce pot greenhouse laws

    The X sherf Rob watters is on Sacramento City Council his kid built all the homes in the U>S deep flood plan .he a concrete contractor and look at the cash tigger gave to Watters In Sac there no rock in less it comes from tiggers gravel pits the best of it is Officers assigned to the...
  4. ZAQ

    Sacramento police enforce pot greenhouse laws

    the X pig kids a concrete contractor the one that built the speck house that can flood 22 feet in less than 5 mi
  5. ZAQ

    Sacramento police enforce pot greenhouse laws

    if it's over 100sf you need a permit
  6. ZAQ

    Small Black "Worms" on roots DWC +rep for successful identification

    Soon you have 100s of small gray moths
  7. ZAQ

    Cops just saw my plants, what do you think?

    to focking lazy to get his paper work that sad
  8. ZAQ

    Cops just saw my plants, what do you think?

    No big deal get your sis paper work Then get off you lazy ass and get your own paper what the fuck you cant find $40 was it worth all this BS have good day
  9. ZAQ

    Help. Please. Moving to CA, and nervous about trying to obtain medical marijuana.

    The paper work stays with the provider . They just want the money they don't give a damn if you need it you can get a 99 plant for 125 to 150 cash
  10. ZAQ

    HARVESTING is killing me

    Jamezsr is your dad sell them
  11. ZAQ

    HARVESTING is killing me

    I made THE SAME THING BUT WITh A 90% AIR GRINDER $8.49 from HF $ 2.00 pvc pipe and weedeater string it work ok. Will put a foot control .look at the video you can see the weed has to it start to dry out that that elc. moter does not have the power to cut wet
  12. ZAQ

    How do you find a trusted hvac guy to come to house for 4 ton ac

    that is cool you found some one mine went out last night have to use a stick to start the fan I am hoping it's just a capacitor
  13. ZAQ

    Dehumidifier water anyone?

    are the coll made of copper that can leach into the water
  14. ZAQ

    cloning with rockwool

    again try a search over 567 post how to do it with rockwool
  15. ZAQ

    cloning with rockwool

    I think i have read about cloning using rockwool somewhere try reading
  16. ZAQ

    DIY Cloner ?.

    There a lot of post to read so spend a little time reading and yes it will work
  17. ZAQ

    HARVESTING is killing me

  18. ZAQ

    Prison experiences

    Jj su shut the f,,, up I know who you are you just whack off at a desk
  19. ZAQ

    attention there is a high volume of robberies

    here they shot a baby and his dad they thought the baby had a loaded diaper sad on the news They got less than a pound and under $500 they shot them first then went into the house There been a lot where they just shoot you then step over you all asian shooters
  20. ZAQ

    My vertical grow idea needs a little fine tuning please help the newbie

    This might help Octagon Layout Calculator