Search results

  1. clarke kent

    Large Legal Grow? Indoors in No Calif. Is it truly possible?

    I am wondering if anyone knows of or is a grower/farmer/dispensery provider that is truly "legal." So legal that if the state or local authorities came in with search warrants that they would walk away and make no charges or arrest anyone. If so what would this look like in terms of having...
  2. clarke kent

    Kush harvest/Cure BUT what to do about the Powerdy Mildew

    I know it is a terrible question to ask, but I didn't want to pick too early like the last time when the PM showed up. So I waited and tried to keep humidity down. Seems it spread more than I wanted. I am now drying and it is there. Does anyone know anything that can be done to remove PM from...
  3. clarke kent

    How many sq ft can a 1000 watt bulb cover

    I am debating on how best to cover my an 8x12 ft plus room area. I am thinking of two Magnum XXXL 8" hoods with 1000 watt each. My debate is... do the 4x8 with two lamps which obviously will work or can I go 6x12? What would be the pro and cons? Is there some other way to do the 6x6...