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  1. J

    Plant dying!

    Alright i can't put up pics yet by i'll do that soon enough but just a shot in the dark.... My plant is about 4-5 weeks into flowering and at first the top leads were a pale green then they strted to turn yellow then the rest of the plant slowly followed turning from a healthy green, then pale...
  2. J

    Budding Problems.. HELP!

    Yeah good advice guys, thanks a lot. I'm going to flush them thoroughly first then let the soil dry out a bit, and then flush some more. Nitrogen deficiency crossed my mind but i didn't want to add anything and make the problem worse.. If the yellowing parsists do you guys think I should slowly...
  3. J

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Nice Sub-Says Hash Lover
  4. J

    Budding Problems.. HELP!

    So on this trial grow of mine, i'm about 4 weeks into flowering my plant & i'm concerned because the leaves on the leads at the top of the plant have faded to a very pale green and yellow and have been like this for about 3-4 weeks now... also, as you can see in the pics, there are dark patches...
  5. J

    Budding problem/question

    So on this trial grow of mine, i'm about 4 weeks into flowering my plant & i'm concerned because the leaves on the leads at the top of the plant have faded to a very light green and have been like this for about 3-4 weeks now... Note: the leaves at the middle and bottom of the plant are still a...
  6. J

    Leaf curl- burn or deficiency- need help

    Yeah it could def be nitrogen. Did you say what kind of soil you have?
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    My Super Grow Room

    That is a massive oppertation friend. How much do you yield?
  8. J

    FF Soil Mix Question

    Yeah I once too used miracle gro with the time realease stuff untill my plants almost died and i moved them into Fox Farms Ocean Forest then they began to flourish. As for you question, that sounds like a good mix. Ocean Forest already has perlite in it but adding more can't hurt especially if...
  9. J

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    I tied a few pink fake flowers to my plants to try to make them mimick The Swamp Hibiscus....from a distance it actually works very well, although some would argue it draws more attention to the plants---not the case for me however
  10. J

    Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil

    I always go with Fox Farm because of my past problems with miracle gro but i guess i can't say it's always bad since a lot of you guys have had success with it....but i'm still gonna have to say go with the organic choice--Fox Farm, Black Gold, and BioBizz are awesome soils
  11. J


    What do you think of a fert with a 20-20-20 ratio?
  12. J

    Would this container be fine?

    Well you can have a shallow container and the plant will still grow but I would say get something at least 6-8 inches deep to make it worth your while. Also be sure that whatever you use has drain holes for extra water to drain out. As for soil, i always recommend Fox Farm Ocean Forest--it's...
  13. J

    SpaceMonkeyMan's First Grow

    Don't worry about cutting off any of those leaves and DEFINITELY don't give the plant extra nutes! If youre really close to harvesting you should stop giving them fertilzer and only regular water. I say about a 1.5 - 2 weeks before harvest STOP giving fertilizer. Other than that, nice work...
  14. J

    My little "it", first grow GUIDANCE AND COMMENTS APPRECIATED :)

    Nice little harvest there my friend. All done with CFL's too huh?
  15. J

    How to Flush in Soil?

    Yeah feeling the weight of the pot is actually a good idea because the top of the soil may look very dry but water is pooling at the bottom of the pot
  16. J

    Organic Help Please

    The fact that your fan leaves are yellowing is totally normal. As the buds are growing and maturing, nutrients such as nitrogen are focused mainly to the buds, which are forming, leaving your fan leaves yellow and possibly a bit wilted; your plant is OK! This is actually a good sign your buds...
  17. J

    Used Soil with Nutes...

    I would say definitely transplant your plants into a higher grade soil-Fox Farm Ocean Forest is awesome. I know this probably seems like a lot of trouble but for me, it was worth it. I was having problems with some crappy Miracle Gro time released nute stuff and my plants nearly died until i...
  18. J

    Legit Soil Questions, please help asap

    You can't go wrong with Fox Farm Ocean Forest--Not only did my plants grow very well using this, it even helped fix problems caused by other crappy soil when i transplanted them into it. But be sure to listen to everyone when they say to wait to give the plants nutes; it's tempting to give...
  19. J

    Good Soil mix

    Look, don't use just any soil mix. I speak absolutely from experience and when you buy cheap crap you'll almost always have problems...I didn't wanna listen to this at first but then my plants started to have huge problems I switched soils and the problems immeadiately began to reside. I...
  20. J

    Transplanting Question

    Yeah leave the plant in the dark for a dark cycle immeadiately following the tranplant as not to shock the root system