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  1. Riles

    Take a pinch off

    Hey everyone. Don't really know if this goes under harvesting but I was wondering when is it okay to pull a small bud off your plant to smoke. I'm good with just letting it go but sometimes I run low and my mind wanders to my baby. Hit to tear it up but if I have to, will it get me high? The...
  2. Riles

    Tips as when to harvest

    First time grow and they were just some seeds from a fire batch I had and I had two plants take off. One of them is getting close to harvesting just was wondering if anyone could look at the pic and give me an estimate. It's a small plant so the yield won't be much but I'm only growing for...
  3. Riles


    Okay, I'm less than 2 weeks away from harvesting one of my plants but I think I may have a problem. There's rain in the forecast, a lot of it-flash flood warnings even. And where I live (and the plants are growing) the ground is uneven so water pools up easily. It's been raining steadily at...
  4. Riles

    1st time grow, 2 plants

    Hey everyone, what up what up? I'm a long time smoker who decided a few months ago that I'd had enough of the hassles with dealers and what not, so I decided to grow my own. I'm a newbie so I didn't want to bother with the indoor grow (the instructions for which went over my head) so I simply...