Search results

  1. K

    mars hydro ts 600w

    My new grow box came with MarsHydro ts 600 and i am more than pleased. Grow box dimensions are 40x45x90cm and it does a very good job with not much heating building up (exhaust fan with carbon filter helps with that as well). I consider this...
  2. K

    Led grow box

    I think i m going to buy it... my budget is not high and i cant find a box with these specifications at a lower price. I will let you know about the results! Thank you for the info!
  3. K

    Led grow box

  4. K

    Led grow box

    Hi, I ve already bought a box from these guys... and i was very happy with results but unfortunately i had to give it to a friend cause i changed the city i was leaving and couldnt take it with me. (maybe some of you remember it) now the problem. i want to buy an other one BUT i ve never...
  5. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    next time i will... :)
  6. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    right now i enjoy the outcome... hehehe :hump:
  7. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    i hope it is mate... i dont have anything against you... keep it green ;) :weed: :joint: lets smoke now and find the inner peace .. hehe... chears mate :)
  8. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    how many people are you?
  9. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    shaded i only got 1g...happy now? i really dont care... boozoo you are right.. if i could make one , i would. ITS GOING TO BE CHEAPER FOR SURE!(i dont have the skills) i m not saying to buy from these guys... i just wanted to say that i am happy with my growbox... nothing less...nothing...
  10. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    so you tell me that is IMPOSSIBLE to get around 120g(as i told it could be less...lets say 80-90g...i believe it was more but anyway) from a grow box 45x45x90cm from 3 plants with 3 large cfl's that emmit 20.000 lumens. ok mate
  11. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    i dont want to have the world record here... :hump: the truth is that we only weighted the first plant that came out... so we calculated that the total yield could be around 120g... it could be less ofcourse... but i really dont care now... we had a great time :D
  12. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    i can't understand this behavior by some guys here... i am a member for 5 years!! do i need a certification so i can write my opinion about something in this forum??? WTF???????? anyway... ironlungs i will send you a pm with details later... to avoid all this s**t...
  13. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    hi, the dimensions are 45x45x90cm so its not that small :D (custom can discuss with these guys the dimensions you want) :weed:
  14. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    i purchased a custom grow box (we discussed my needs)... i checked their website and its like the pro box big they have. i see small differences . You wont regret it... i m very satisfied as two more friends of mine are. one if them ordered the same as mine and the second ordered their led grow...
  15. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    Yes! the one i bought comes with one 150w cfl coolwhite for veg and 2 x 105w warm white for flowering that i can run(and did run) all three bulbs together with total 20.000 lumens!!! but they also have boxes with normal cfl's etc... and they are also very cheap...(i dont want to sound like...
  16. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    and here is my second grow with this box...just one auto (easyryder)... yielded 45g dry. happy times bongsmilie !!! :)
  17. K

    stealth grow box and results!

    Hi, i finally bought the custom stealth grow box i wanted from this website and some people may remember that i had opened a thread about which grow box to buy. just wanted to share some pics with you guys.. i m very happy with my grow box and i recommend this...
  18. K

    led 4 x 12w spotlight grow
  19. K

    led 4 x 12w spotlight grow

    with just one light???? or he added more??? G-R-E-A-T !!!