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  1. smooothy

    Highest Dry Yielding Strains ??

    Hi All. Trying to get the most for my buck to see which plant produces the most dense and biggest BUDs All I've been seeing around is BB and Northern Lights Trying to see If anything else surpasses them ?? Looking for potency and colossal buds for next grow
  2. smooothy

    Plant Perspiring?

    Hi All, I'm a week into flowering and my girls look gorgous except they may be perspiring! I'm finding kind of dropplets on some fan leaves? Using 1000w HPS 1-1/2 ft over plants Temp-75-82 No water leaking from pipes! Looked around and I'm finding nothing on this Appreciate any and all advice
  3. smooothy

    Pruning Clones

    Hi All, Was wondering, I got some clones all with 3 nodes on them. As soon as they root, when can I prune them? I know you have to wait for the 5th node on a seedling, but does that apply here ?
  4. smooothy

    Cutting Clones then Switching to Flowering?

    Hi All, My girls are ready for flowering and I'am wondering, once I take my clone cuttings for next grow, can I immediately switch out to flowering or should i wait aweek due to the cut stems to heal? My girls look absolutely GORGEOUS and don't want to risk anything!
  5. smooothy

    Lights VS Suspicion!!!!!!!

    Hi all, I have 2 -1000 watters and am wondering what would be the limit of wattage i can use in a residential home without drawling any RED FLAGS from electric company? Would like to install 2-4 more but think it might be alittle much. Also, was thinking of getting a business license for...
  6. smooothy

    Looking at leaf under Microscope

    Hi all, i've purchased a microscope and see all kinds of things but not sure what they are! (Cells,Pirspiration Fibers ect...) Think i have bug eggs (Not sure) -but can't find any Bugs Can someone please post pics of a healthy leave under microscope-been looking for 2 days and can't find ONE ...
  7. smooothy

    Neem Oil or EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have some leaves that i thought looked like insect bites on them so i bought some Neem Oil and sprayed my plants with it on Weds. Yesterday, I purshased a microscope to look for BUGS. Today, i tried to use the microscope but can't tell if i'm looking at the Neem Oil on the leaves or bug eggs...
  8. smooothy

    Oh No -not again

    Hi all, about a week ago i started my plants on tying em down. About 2 days later i realized that i would wait til next grow to try that method and released the ties. Plants were not straightening up fully after a couple days. I went to Homedepot a got a few wooden sticks to help the stems...
  9. smooothy

    Possible Plant Height

    Hi all, I'am wondering how tall of a plant can a 1000 watter penetrate to? I wanted to veg my sativas to 5 ft then figured flowering , they'll grow another 5 ft so 10 ft in all? Is this to much for a 1000 watter to penetrate?
  10. smooothy


    Hi all , If i let my girls grow up to 6 feet tall, how much more will they grow during flowering-Skunk plants? Ceilings are 9 ft hi.:lol:
  11. smooothy

    Skunk Haze

    Hi, My Skunk haze clones are starting to develope red lines down their main stalks. Room never goes under 68 Not sure if this is a gene thing. I just repotted yesterday and started to notice the lines today!!! Was giving them 1/4 dose food Just feed 2 days ago 1/2 dose food 1 month old...
  12. smooothy

    Into The Dark

    Hello I'm into one month grow and area had power outage last night for 6 HOURS without my knowledge. Found out from neighbors. Not sure what to do with grow at this point!!!! Should I abandon my girls that are now probably boys and Hermies or continue with them to see outcome? Funkin...
  13. smooothy

    Rockwool to Soil

    I have clones in rockwool that are 8 days old, have 1/2 - 3/4 inch roots, but haven't broken through wool yet! Should I peel off the rockwool or wait a few more days? Also, should I cut off paper around the rockwool?:-P
  14. smooothy

    House and Garden Grow- feed Ratios ?

    :weed: I'm getting ready to use H+G Grow but not sure on the feed measures. Should i only give 1/4 strength of what H+G recommend for A+B or just follow their feeding plan, don't wanna nuk my girls Soil Grow - FFOF 4 -1 month old 4- Clones in dome
  15. smooothy

    Question about Flushing Soil

    When I flush my soil what happens to the Dol Lime I added to steady the soil? Not sure if it gets washed away or not and need to add more:oops:
  16. smooothy

    Very Sick Girls - Pics

    I have a yellowing problem that starts at the bottom and middle leaf tips, then moves to the margins of the leaves(leaves curled under) while veins remain green, eventually turning the leaves a pale -white color Some leaf stems are purple and one main stem has purple lines going down it, also...
  17. smooothy

    Very Sick Girls-Need Doctor-Pics

    I've been fighting this yellow tip thing that is moving to the margins of lower leaves then taking over the entire leaf, some stems are purple and one main stem has purple strips in it First thought it was Potas def so i started feeding with MG Tomato Food 18-18-21 still same Then thought...
  18. smooothy

    Need reliable PH Meter - Hanna sucks

    I have a hanna ph meter and I always get different readings if I CHECK THE SAME WATER! What is a reliable priced meter and brand-frustrated can't ph water right plants slowly turning yellow!!!!!
  19. smooothy

    seedlings - Yellow Margins -NO NUTES YET

    1 1/2 week old seedlings in plastic cups given first watering of 1/8 size of cups,next day round leaves turned yellow 2nd day after watering 1st set of true leaves -margins yellowed, on same day 2nd set of leave -one leaf got 2 yellow spots on it almost as round as a pencil No drooping of the...
  20. smooothy

    seedlings-yellow Margins-NO NUTES YET

    seedlings - Yellow Margins -NO NUTES YET permalink 1 1/2 week old seedlings in plastic cups given first watering of 1/8 size of cups,next day round leaves turned yellow 2nd day after watering 1st set of true leaves -margins yellowed, on same day 2nd set of leave -one leaf got 2 yellow spots...