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  • go for the one that's within your country they'd have a better chance but some guys got to buy from the Netherlands. It's your choice really, what r the chances they see seeds in the package? The longert the company has been in business the better. Marc Emery sure isn't a cop i tell you what.
    ok so when i start using 12/12 lighting us bud blood for the first week then us big bud for two weeks then use over drive for the last weeks before flush ? so all i should buy for my first grow is micro grow bloom /bud blood /big bud /and overdrive sound right? thanks for the help man
    and yes im part of the revolution i work with canvass for cannabis and norml i to am tired of political bull shit
    hi i seen your post on advanced nutrients and i wanted to ask what what you think an newby should by for his first grow ? what im thinking just from reading what i have i should get grow micro bloom/bud blood/big bud/rhino skin and bud candy is this right or should i start out with something else ill be using a rdwc or ebb an flow setup im not trying to put out more money than i need to so i would just like to pickup the thing that are truly need for an good harvest any input would be great and i would be so thankful
    take a look a few pages back from my last page theres pics through to the end page..comment if you see out u like pal...
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