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  • cheers for the reply! well after doing a serious amount of research i decided to buy a 90 watt ufo(2010 model) as im only growing 2 plants i was advised this would do plenty, you;ll be glad to hear ive my orange BUD seeds germinated and in the pots, my lights will be here by nxt thursday and a friend has kindly let me place my ladys in her greenhouse till then:) as soon as ive my lights up ill let ya know how they are getting on, and am looking forward to hearing how that 120 panel gets on for ya...

    keep it green.
    No problem mate! I have not started yet. I will get things going in July but I will be doing the same as you and buying a 120 watt panel in June. I'm not sure where to buy it though. I was thinking of www.growlightuk.com .
    Let's keep in touch and try to help each other out.

    Happy growing.
    alrite mate hows it going? i seen a post of yours on the welcome page noticed your growing with leds? i just purchased a 120w led panel and was wondering how your getting on as its all new to me! hope to hear from ya sorry for just leaving a random message but one must learn somewere:)
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