stupid new extraction method, maybe?


Well-Known Member
I ran a Iso extraction about a week ago, and I didn't have enough 99% to finish the run, so I stuck the soaked iso/bud mix in the freezer and forgot about it for about a week.
And my girl ran out of dabs so I blasted the mix with tane through a tube. And immediately I noticed that I was yielding a significant amount, and I was like damn.

Also after boiling off the iso I could see the trace amounts of butane evaporating out, like a soda going flat.

Now the end product tasted like straight plant, don't get me wrong, it's because the buds sat in the iso for a week.

However I am curious to see how this would work with a quick wash, then stuffed in a tube, then blasted.

Anybody got any info?

gk skunky

Well-Known Member
Of course it yielded more. You soaked in iso for a week. You pulled out a lot of garbage which you already know because of the color. That's almost like a reverse winterization. Doubt qwiso/qwet to butane would yield more but you can try. I would think similar yeilds to winterized bho. Ugh ugh