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  • LMFAO well when u say ur placing ur head in an eager males lap it tends to bring on sudden urges if they have a healthy imagination, next time make a stinky fart ;)
    LOL because she's never online ;) Not many women spend much time on here, damn i thought i was a busy girl, look at all the men u have on the go ;)
    I have now read two different things on dual citizenship for an Australian born of a British citizen... and I want one mainly for the British passport... They're so much better than Australian ones...
    well, it wasnt that long (i read lord of the rings in 2 days (but only because i was taking my time with it (didnt want to rush it :))

    its just the emotions involved, i dont want to be talking out of my ass and making things worse ;)
    give me a few moments to look the letter over, gonna have a few tokes and chill bit before i read it :)
    you sure its true love? he should be the same about you, maybe you just plain love him (more attraction than anything)

    but maybe your soulmate is just a dumbass (at the moment, we do evolve)

    is the feeling in the heart? can you imagine yourself with him, every day, forever?

    ..guys tend to be dumbasses yes, im the big strong hunter, im cold and hard, i do not cry. (its superficial though, we are all the same..they just dont know the heart, men focused on the brain and women on the heart (the heart is really a better deal (though i do like indoor plumbing :))
    Firm and you..?

    I just found out that because I was born after '83 that I can't apply for a dual citizenship... :( Bugger....
    well there's still regular chat, i dropped in earlier and there was actually a lot of people in there. Smoking on skype is the best...wait I used stickam. I would go into regular chats and hit my roor and just watch people's reactions. Totally random chatrooms - like parenting or cars or just anything...then start smoking. Where I'm living now I'm not even supposed to smoke in the house...so I muffle the bong and use the toilet paper roll of fabric softener thing. When I get my skype/camera going I'll let you know, might have to create new account
    ps your mailbox is full
    oh! I have Skype but don't have a camera right now...unless I can get my phone to work as a webcam I might try to do that. Haven't smoked on skype in sooooo long
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