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  • It was totally worth the battery. This mornin my homie bailed me out and we went to the same party. (Mornin after party0 Kinda like a massive wake and bake. And did I get some pussy that muther fuker I beat up all the girls hated cause he is just a sex offender to all these women. massive pussy wanted my cock though to bad I dont have like 5 cocks....Waake and Bake.
    srry went to jail last night for an assult charge beat the shit out of some player that touched my girl oh hell no I broke his jaw and put him in the hospital he will be in their for a while. Srry I might type a little slow today my hands hurt.
    Alright that explains alot just transplant into a bigger taller pot and cover the strethed root to the first embronic roots. The lights should not stretch the plant now. Be careful when transplanting the soil shouldnt be too dry or to wet the day afetr a little watering should be fine. make sure you get the whole root ball. take your tiime you dont need to rush on this shit. It will be okay as long as it is proped up until u transplant it
    dnt worry bout the pics fuk it are the seedling stretching out to the light? Is there more than 1/2 an inch from the soil to the embryonic leaves? How close are your lights?
    ansered your question pg 42 in my thread srry im late i passed out last night. Too many space cakes after ten it all hit at once and a huge dose can make you sleepy.
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