Recent content by TheGeneral1

  1. T

    Waterfarm users

    I did an hour on, hour off...
  2. T

    The aerogarden

    I'll be finishing up soon so I'll give you a yield total any day now, I will say the plants are so crystally....God bless bagseed and aerogardens...this stuff looks as good as any of the best stuff I've tried so far....
  3. T

    Going on Vacaction, need help

    Sorry for the delay in getting back guys, when I got back from vacation on Sunday, I found out was going to be out of town for another 5 days....I basically made a drip system out of an old glass bottle using the push pin method...didn't really work all that well but the plants lived and I...
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    Going on Vacaction, need help

    Well I figured something out, just surfed around for a while and then it hit me while I was in the gym....
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    The aerogarden

    I planned on vegging in my aerogarden and then transplanting to another waterfarm... The plants in the aerogarden look great, I got 4 out 4 girls on my first try, I moved 1 into an aerofarm and left 3 in the aerogarden, put a 150w hps in there, and they have been growing great....My only major...
  6. T

    Going on Vacaction, need help

    Going on vacation, will be gone for 8 days, have two rooms and need some help.... So basically, I need to water my plants while I'm gone, I have a Waterfarm/400w HPS in one room, and a Aerogarden/150w HPS in the other, both plants in flower. So what I want to do is fill the reservoir up before...
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    The aerogarden

    I started with an aerogarden, but eventually went to a waterfarm and an 150w hps, I personally loved the aerogarden simplicity, but for about the same price, I would go with the HPS and waterfarm, the waterfarm has a bigger res, and with the more powerful lighting, and less height limitations I...
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    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Anybody? It's my first plant and got real lucky to have a girl first time out....owe it all to this message board
  9. T

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Question for you guys: 18sq ft closet, with an ac vent in the closet and a fan, currently have a 150w HPS and have no heat problems, will it work if I move up to 400w HPS? Using a waterfarm for one plant two weeks into flowering but have two 18" plants I need to put in there so need more light.....