Recent content by Saiyan

  1. Saiyan

    Subcools super soil do's and dont's!

    I'm trying to get some advice as well. I'll be making my first batch of ss with sunleaves Jamaican bat guano 0-10-0 . was going to add at 2.5 lbs because the recipe calls for 5 lbs at 0-5-0. Is this a correct assumption. Nerds chime in.
  2. Saiyan

    jack skellington leaf deformities

    It might not necessarily throw A bud from that site but I have had that happen on two separate Kaboom plants A year ago buds grew from the center of some fan leaves
  3. Saiyan

    If i spend on OG Raskal....

    Same here all the TGA gear I've grown shits on any ogs I've tried from the top shelf of dispensaries.
  4. Saiyan

    Riot seeds

    Ordered second to last pack of the black gorilla grape. Arrived in about two days after he shipped. Was very prompt emailing me back everytime and gave me detailed feedback. He also gave me a free pack of blue dream kush. Haven't popped them yet but no complaints here.
  5. Saiyan

    Keeper Hunt - VOTE for your favorite TGA strain

    Kaboom hands down! Hard hitting to say the least, with gooey drops of resin on underside of the buds due to gravity. Not for light smokers.
  6. Saiyan

    Just harvested some kaboom, it's kill! I'll get some pics up when the room is cleaned up. Also...

    Just harvested some kaboom, it's kill! I'll get some pics up when the room is cleaned up. Also, I just got a new job, so it might take a little time.
  7. Saiyan

    Jacks Cleaner Myth or Legend

    Hit the wrong button... Just trying to say I'm smoking on some Kaboom right now and it's about to be staying in my line up for awhile.
  8. Saiyan

    Jacks Cleaner Myth or Legend

    I'm just looking over some old posts and noticed, that there were way too many people hating on sub. I'm Keep up the good work
  9. Saiyan

    quick clone question how to transfer from clone machine to rockwool

    You could place the clones in a soil less medium and use smart pots that you flood and drain instead of rockwool slabs. Second option, you must root clones in rockwool to place in larger rockwool block.
  10. Saiyan

    My Querkle at 3.5 weeks : im in love

    I have some kaboom ( jacks cleaner x vortex) w/ 19 blades
  11. Saiyan

    The TGA Growers Club

    Anyone know how to upload pics from your iPhone because I've got so kabooms in flower and mothers? Also, got the void from the tude the last year and some jack the rippers and querkle from the harborside of Oakland.
  12. Saiyan

    Black Cherry Soda~ The quest for a new Mom

    Sub your doin a great job! How can we get involved testing your hybrids?
  13. Saiyan

    KaBoom Growers: post pics

    TGA growers post your pics and experiences of KaBoom! I started seeds three months ago. I've picked two mothers for cuttings and two for flowering.