Recent content by realmeatdildo

  1. realmeatdildo

    Things to Know About Lighting

    How Long Before the 600w HPS Bulbs Lumen Output Decays to Where it Needs Replacing? I read the guide here that said the life of the 600 watt HPS was between 10,000 and 22,500 hours which translates to about 2.5 -5 years @ 12/12. However, I also read somewhere that the lumen output decays...
  2. realmeatdildo

    How Long Before the 600w HPS Bulbs Lumen Output Decays to Where it Needs Replacing?

    63 views and no ideas yet? Thanks to everyone for looking anyway! I would have checked in the sticky '101 Questions about Lighting' but the 101 questions is spread out over 53+ pages and that makes it a pretty ginormous effort to locate about 80 of the questions! Maybe, I'll go and ask there...
  3. realmeatdildo

    How Long Before the 600w HPS Bulbs Lumen Output Decays to Where it Needs Replacing?

    I read a guide that said the life of the 600 watt HPS was between 10,000 and 22,500 hours which translates to about 2.5 -5 years @ 12/12. However, I also read somewhere that the lumen output decays far more quickly than that and that it would be a good idea to replace bulbs after about 1 year...
  4. realmeatdildo

    I smoked moldy bud

    Apparently, there is no kind of mold that can survive direct sunlight for a fairly sustained period of time, so leaving it in the sun may have prevented any harm to you from the mold. Alternately, you may get some lung infection. Consult with a doctor rather than seeking medical help here...
  5. realmeatdildo

    Check out my Purple Super Skunk Pictures

    Apparently, Super Skunk can sometimes go completely purple when budding but I wasn't ready for the deep, dark, lush shades of an almost black/purple that two of mine put out. These pictures aren't the greatest so sorry about that. Having never grown this strain before I had no real idea what...
  6. realmeatdildo

    Is Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) OK to Use instead of Epsom Salts?

    Thank you both for the responses. To Mv400- I'd have to say I'd agree with you when it comes to going overboard with all of these 'specialist' nutes. I absolutely refuse to spend anything on any of these 'Magical Bud' type mixtures since after a fair bit of research they are often full of...
  7. realmeatdildo

    Is Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) OK to Use instead of Epsom Salts?

    I have read of a nute/fert recipe which includes utilising a quarter of a teaspoon of Epsom Salts. But, being the world's laziest and stingiest tight-arse, (and since spending six bucks is a lot to me when I already have a 17 oz sack of 'Bath Salts' lying around), I thought I'd waste someone...
  8. realmeatdildo

    Pumpkin in Same Pot- Plant Looks Really Healthy!

    I have a young plant that in 12/12 (under a 600w in moss, perlite, vermiculite, and soil). I've raised it pretty much at 12/12 from about a week after germination. There is a pumpkin plant growing along side it in the same pot. It seems to be incredibly healthy compared to all the others and...
  9. realmeatdildo

    Single Male Flower- How much damage could that have done?

    Yes, I can see the difference and thanks for the advice. I had actually seen those pictures before on that very same harvest tutorial thread and was hoping to wait until the buds looked just as ripe as they do there, but the presence of the male flower freaked me into thinking that they...
  10. realmeatdildo

    Single Male Flower- How much damage could that have done?

    Yes, it couldn't really hermie that quick. I knew I was exaggerating there, sorry. I thought that it looked alright yesterday when I sort of half saw it from amongst the others but I really didn't give it a thorough inspection. I just thought 'Ah, I can see some white hairs so it should be still...
  11. realmeatdildo

    Single Male Flower- How much damage could that have done?

    I found a single male flower that had opened overnight and it was in full bloom with petals open and had obviously released what little pollen it had in it. The male flower was on a tiny little plant that I've been growing on 12/12 from seed and had hermied overnight. Unfortunately, I...
  12. realmeatdildo

    Haunted Grow Room

    Seriously, this sort of thing does happen and it is spooky, especially since whatever is doing it is trying to make you afraid. Washing machine lids do not just fall by themselves for no reason nor do cardboard walls move by themselves without reason. If the cat freaked out too then you can be...
  13. realmeatdildo

    flowers floppy, leaves twisty

    I just read on here that foliar feeding during flower is very much not a good idea and probably using triple the amount of 'thumper' isn't either. You may have poisoned the plant with it. Someone else on here might know how to fix that. I would guess a good thing to do is to stop the foliar...
  14. realmeatdildo

    Foliar Feeding in Flower Fish Emulsion?

    I just read that during flower foliar feeding should not be performed.
  15. realmeatdildo

    Interruption of light period-trouble?

    Thanks for the responses guys.