pablo e
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  • i am coming up to the end of the 4 th week of flowering now. Plenty of small buds but i thought i should be seing a lot more. Dont know the strain. But it comes from south african weeed thats grown outside so its mostly sativa. Some plants could be up to 2 m tall i have to keep bendin and tie em down every few days due to height restrictions. Usin advanced nut gro micro bloom at a 1:1:1 ratio. They were vegged for 5 weeks too. Anyone any idea how long i will need to flower for? There are 13 in a 1 m x 2m room with 2 600 HPS AND 2 fans in roofspace.Temp about 82 and hum between 30 and 40. Oh and this is my first ever grow.
    :joint:Does anyone know? Is it bad to use vinegar and baking soda to adjust PH rather than the normal PH up and down. tks
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