Recent content by moobyghost

  1. moobyghost

    Anyone in CA need a room mate?

    I am looking to move to CA in 6 months or so and I need to find a room mate. I will be on disability so I can not afford a apparment to myself. I am Pro Pot, Pro Gay Rights, Pro Choice, Pro Peace. I have no pets, but I have no problems with pets. I am fat so if you got a problem with big...
  2. moobyghost

    Are you dependent on pot?

    Let's just say that the days I don't have zoloft and pot in me are days I am ready to blow my brains out. Manic Depression, anxiety, pain, and nausea all treated by pot.
  3. moobyghost

    This plant is dead or dying fast, anything I can do? pics

    I take this toke for loss of your plant. (takes a toke) May your next one flourish brother!
  4. moobyghost

    Science Experiment Over...Results are in and they are Amazing

    Pics or it never happened. lol Sounds good.
  5. moobyghost

    Water bulbs?

    I need to get a spray bottle, that might help. As I water now, I think I just give them too much. I try giving them just a little, but it still seems like too much. ugh.
  6. moobyghost

    Water bulbs?

    I saw one of those stupid infomericals once about these glass bulbs with a long stem that you fill with water and then it auto waters the plant based on oxygen or whatever. So I am have a hard time learning watering patterns for my girls. I wanted to know if anyone knew how I could make a poor...
  7. moobyghost

    5 CFL, All Organic, Soil, Perpteual Grow

    1. Yes 2. No Addendum: I have been using well water this whole time and they have not had problems till now. I now our well is a tad hard water, but still.
  8. moobyghost

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    that is what I do.
  9. moobyghost

    5 CFL, All Organic, Soil, Perpteual Grow

    Ok so with only a few more weeks left I thought i was going to be lucky and avoid one of my plants getting sick. then today, this: So I turn to you sages of weed wisdom, please help figure out what is wrong and how to cure it so they can go on for 2 more weeks.
  10. moobyghost

    When drying do you have to hang them?

    I will figure something out, they will hang.
  11. moobyghost

    When drying do you have to hang them?

    bump for the fun of it
  12. moobyghost

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    I am growing bag seeds because I can not afford good seeds. If you want to buy me some, be my guest.
  13. moobyghost

    We killed your father - I'm heartbroken

    Ok, even if I took that as a serious answer, where is your proof that we have gotten more oil than we have used in all our ships, tanks, vehicles, etc?
  14. moobyghost

    We killed your father - I'm heartbroken

    Name 5 things we have gained from this war and back your claims up with evidence. You will find more bad than good my friend. No reason to stay is maybe how I should have worded it.
  15. moobyghost

    We killed your father - I'm heartbroken

    As hard as it may be to admit, it is true, our soldiers are terrorizing innocent Iraqis, killing them in cold blood. I would have to say they are terrorists right now. Terrorists occupying a foreign country for no reason.