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  • a man this is goten about your ( Starting my first grow got some ??? thread ) i know i said you can dig some holes. and you still can!( post hole diggers easyier then shovels ) but since your goin to wal-mart you could get some of those 5 gal. bugets ( their onlr $2.50 ) and fill them up with fertilizer. instead of diggin all those holes. if you do - drill some holes in the bottom of them for water drainage. just make sure you put them in a place where no can just pick them up and leave with them. i dont know about your wal-mart but my mine has some camalflage 5gall, buckets if yours also got those i would go with those! mix some m.grow shake & feed in with it! and just water them.. but watch the daily weather report so you dont over water them and drown them! peace out bro stay cool like the breez but dont freez and if you do wear a coat! :peace:
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