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  • help please, first grow here. my plants are about one month old in veg stage, lights are on 24/7 i have them in mg soil,people say that was a mistake but to late now, i use techna flora nutes starter kit for success, i water every 3-4 days i use 1/2 stregnth nutes. all of my plants but one have brown spotting that turn kinda purplish after a while, they were fine until 4 days ago today the leafs started curling alittle, i use well water with a ph of almost 7 and i test runoff water it about a 6 with the exception of 2 of my plants they are low about a 5-5.5. the temp in the room is a steady 73 and humidity is 60%.they also get a shot of co2 once daily, any help what am i doing wrong? i have never grown anything in my life before.
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