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  • Well? Here I am again. Time has just flown since I first got here. I need to go make my husbands lunch right now. I hope I remember to come back. I'm trying to find the place where I wrote some. I just checked the email and it looks like a good few or more did reply. How nice. One person...who called me little bird...I think that's what he called me. I can tell it's a *he* because another woman would not speak that way. He put up a video and asked if *that* was me in it. ( a fat old woman kicking a young child...and then some word that...I can't remember. I need to go make my Hon's lunch. If I didn't know any better...I might think myself to be stupid sometimes. I am.
    Okay. The tab says *Visitor Messages*. I must be on the wrong page here. How do I post a message as me and not a *visitor* I am wondering...I'll figure it out :)
    I'm very glad to have found this forum. I have much to learn. The medical community in my area nearly killed me last year with their horrid drugs. I am now working out my own needs naturally...and getting my life back a little more each day <3
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