Is My Train Wreck Ready?


Hail all,

This is my first grow, so I'm not sure how close I am to the optimal chop date.

This grow has been fanatically detailed in my journal. But the basics are as follows:

Cabinet Grow
394 watts of CFL lighting (23-42 watt lamps)
Aeroponic (semi)
GH 3 part, plus CalMag and Hydroplex

Strains: One White Russian (indica dominent) and one Train Wreck (sativa dominent).

Interestingly, the Train Wreck is well ahead (at least a week) of the indica-dominent WR.

Took the following photos three days ago. Today is Day 53 of 12/12 and Day 85, overall.

How much longer do I gotta wait???



bud bootlegger
dont listen to that guy they have a ways to go
i'd say don't listen to this guy as they look pretty ready to me.. only real way to tell though is get yourself a cheap $15 handheld microscope from radio shack and check the trics on them..
you want no clears and mostly all cloudy and or amber... the more amber, the more couchlock the stone will be... they look very close to me.. under a week or so easy..


Well-Known Member
i'd say don't listen to this guy as they look pretty ready to me.. only real way to tell though is get yourself a cheap $15 handheld microscope from radio shack and check the trics on them..
you want no clears and mostly all cloudy and or amber... the more amber, the more couchlock the stone will be... they look very close to me.. under a week or so easy..
ouch! sir. sir


Active Member
Lookin good should be soon Id definetly grab a scope so you can check the trichs and harvest when they are to your liking.


Trainwreck looks pretty much done, White russian still needs a week or two i would say. I'm growing a white russian as well by the way, just kicked off the fourth week of flowering. Is your WR from serious seeds?


Hey all,

Thanks for the variety of opinions...

I'll use a scope to check the trichs. Is everyone agreed on the 70%+ cloudy, some amber, and zero to very few clear trichomes?

Regarding the powdery mildew... Yes, there is some on some of the nearby leaves. But what there is, is for the most part, dead, as a result of Serenade applications. At least that's what I'm hoping. If it looks like there’s any on the buds at harvest, I may try the H2O2 bath method. Anyone tried this, or can you suggest an alternative?

The plants came to me as clones from my Local dispensary. So the origins are suspect at best.

The odor from this grow has escaped the cabinet, permeated the garage, and found its way into every corner of my house. So I'll be planting a low/no odor strain next. 'Decided on Nirvana Northern Lights. And since my search for local NL clones went nowhere, I ordered fem seeds from Attitude. Price was quite reasonable: About $100 for 10 beans, a shirt, and freight to the States.


New Member
depends you could go more 50/50 for a more up high.depends on yur preference,i like a lil head to add to the body.i like to go 60/40 or 65/35


Misguided Angel
If you prefer a head high or a body high then it is best to grow a strain which gives you that effect. Waiting until 50% of your thc is degraded is a waste in my eyes. On the flip side harvesting with too much clear is just as bad, immature THC with mostly precursor cannabinoids. I harvest when all trics are cloudy, there will more than likely be a couple amber trics kicking around by that time.


Interesting. I'm definately seeing amber heads on a few (10%?) trichomes.
I'm less sure about clear vs cloudy.

Are you saying that once, you start to see amber heads, it will be time to chop?

And thanks for those super quick responses!!


A related question...

On an aeroponic system (no standing solution in the root zone), how long of a flush period is needed?


Well-Known Member
I just did a peroxide bath on one of my smaller girls today, ill let you know how it turns out. Nugs are hanging to dry as we speak ;)


Great Bill,

Look forward to your report. What procedure did you use. I've seen the Cervantes video and it looks pretty simple, especially when done on a smaller scale.

And thanks for the words Bull.