Stressed About Growing


Is anyone else just stressed out about their plants? I feel like all I do is worry and worry when i should just be letting the plants work themselves out. it is my first grow but i always want to do something different or better


Well-Known Member
Word. The plants know what they need/want to do. Just give them a little bit of help, make them comfortable and give them TLC.


Active Member
That's Normal in the beginning and maybe try reading quality books on growing to expand your knowledge on the subject. That way you can trust in yourself that you did everything correctly and its up to the plants to do the rest. -smoke 2 call me in the morning


Well-Known Member
whenever you feel like playing with your plant maybe browse some threads instead


Well-Known Member
Nature will take care of most of the work just check in with her daily for an examination session then let her grow ,,,chill grasshoppa