Club 600


Well-Known Member
Whats with the leaf there Jimmer?

ah feck whats going on lol

Haha I missed that first part somehow but now thats pretty funny lol I pick dead leafs off my plants all the time. OMG :shock: your skin and hair dies all the time you must be soooooo unhealthy! aka its completely natural.... more so with the bigger plants in my exp, I think it may be a natural type of thing to top dress itself with mulch do multiple good things all year long.... Plants are not dumb... They do pretty good without us.


Well-Known Member
Small update, have 5 girls outdoor in 32 gal ea and a few in totes re-vegging, and 9 indoor in 3 gal cloth 2nd day flowering since I am running out sooner than expected.
I hope everyone is doing well!!
Ill check back in later...busy...busy.

The ones inside are re-vegging, and now Im making them flower again.

Will that cause any problems?
I am guessing it will maybe take longer to flower...they still have buds on them, but 3 bladed leaves as well.
I guess the re vegging plants put into flower wasnt a great idea, neither was outsiders coning inside.
Some are thinking about flowering, but with all the old pistils its hrd to tell whats new.
Spider mites are outta control on em , but when they were outside it wasnt a problem.


Well-Known Member
well cloner is finally built just waiting for gas man to come and go so i can set these 10 clones away see if it works. iv just taking off my p killer and dippy e... heres a couple pics of them and my 2 i have just topd..

1st 2 pics the cloner
2nd 2 pics the dippy e
3rd 2 pics the p killer and last 2 pics the cuts

be back later or tomorow with my flowers on day 50 of 12/12 see how late the gas man is


Well-Known Member
day 50 of being put into the 12/12 tent

1st 4 pics psycho killer
2nd 4 pics one of the blue
3rd to pics the other blue

hoping to hit 5 oz dry but dont think it will like!


Well-Known Member
I had a depressing evening last night. My Gf discovered I had 46 plants outside and said that was to many so we agreed on 25. So I gifted a friend 21 plants in buckets. He offered to bring back half of it but since I do this to smoke only I told him not to worry. I guess I did good blending them in to the other weeds because she had to search for them. She would have let me keep them if I got rid of the 4 that are already over 6ft tall. 1 is 71/2ft tall and 5ft wide I'm not giving that up!


Well-Known Member
I've got a quick noob question. When you guy's say 5 weeks into flower does that mean when you switch to 12/12 or the first sign of flowering. Just wondering because I've always grown outside and you go by looks or weather cond. For ex. if a breeder say's 8-10 weeks would that be 8-10 weeks from the day you switch to 12/12 or from the very first sign of flowering. I just assumed this means the first sign of flowering but why assume when there is this huge pool of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
lol you must have quite the habit jimmer!!! Sounds like an outdoor paradise :-)

Indoors I count from the day I swich to 12/12,, just more accurate for record keeping. Outside I start counting when fsm flips to 12/12 bongsmilie uh Im guessing outside you have to go by when you first notice its in flower mode which with a trained eye anyone would be able to tell by a week.
That said Im doing my first outdoor plant this year so yeah,,, Its going good so far!

edit: good late morning crew!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
could be worse, you could have a parcel with a couple g's of smoke sitting in the national returns centre with track n trace back to your office on it.

their currently working on the date of the 27th. so i figure i've got til the weekend to decide to rip my grow down.


Well-Known Member
could be worse, you could have a parcel with a couple g's of smoke sitting in the national returns centre with track n trace back to your office on it.

their currently working on the date of the 27th. so i figure i've got til the weekend to decide to rip my grow down.
not cool at all.....hope all works out well...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah seriously not cool at all. my own stupid fault though, I shouldn't be doing that from work. it's been a catastrophe from the off. the postie has fucked it though. it's supposed to be in the sorting office for 18 days but he's gone and sent it straight to the national sorting office. i'd tried to have it redelivered which i was advised went through but the clown had already put it for post to ireland. kinda shitting it a bit.

i've got quite a number sitting a couple weeks into flower. my heads telling me to rip it and not worry, my hearts saying nothing will come of it and they'll return it. fuck i dunno what to do.

the process of ripping it all down would take about as long as it will for them to get to the parcel.


Well-Known Member
dam,well I know ME,id keep my shit growing,and hope for the best,i mean the post has lots of things like that happen all the time,to normal mail,as long as the nugs are safe(no smell)..I think you will be ok.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah the catch is, if there's no return address they'll open it to see if there's a delivery notice inside and try and trace the person, which there isn't just a well sealed and wrapped jar, all they then have to do is reverse the track and trace to my office.

hoping for the best doesn't generally work out too well for me gen.

i've got a full tent and veg area with allsorts equipment wise hanging about. i'll back photo's up and move scales elsewhere, just deleted anything incriminating from email boxes etc.

fuck I was going to shut down at xmas to try and get rid of PM but i'd kinda banked on the cash of the wind down. i could fuckin cry.


Well-Known Member
Don that sucks bad. Good luck with that.

Whodat thinks I was wondering because I wanted to leave my last to plants to the end of the breeders recommendations to see the diff. being I purposely pulled a couple early because I was out of smoke. My last 2 looked ready last week but I wanted to make sure I got the most of these 2.Yes, the GF and I do have a big habit. I do trade for other things I want in true hippy fashion. I'm going to a local fest this fri and will take a couple of z for other things wanted for a good time.
As far as growing outside I like to have lots of different strains to smoke. Where I live if you can let them go past Oct.15 it's a miracle. I normally just wait till after the first frost and right before the second if they are finished or not. I do like how outside you see how the different strains start to flower before or after each other due to the fact different strains trigger at different times around 12/12.Well back to more tile,I might just finish my master bath this week.