Palestinians to pursue Israel at UN if talks fail


Active Member

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — With no signs of progress in U.S attempts to restart peace talks with Israel, the chief Palestinian negotiator said Tuesday that the West Bank government is ready to resume its campaign to join U.N. and other international bodies in order to prosecute Israel.

The remarks by Saeb Erekat came ahead of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's trip to the region next week for consultations. The trip will be the fifth to the area since Kerry took office early this year and promised to launch a fresh effort to restart negotiations.

Talks collapsed nearly five years ago over the issue of construction in Jewish settlements built in captured areas Palestinians claim for a future state. Palestinians say they will not talk until construction in settlements is stopped.

Israel says settlements, along with other core issues, should be resolved in peace talks and that negotiations should begin immediately.

The Palestinians claim the West Bank, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip for their state. Israel captured the three areas in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. The Palestinians say the pre-1967 lines should be the baseline for talks on a final border.
While Israel's current government rejects a return to the 1967 lines, the international community has overwhelmingly endorsed the Palestinian position. Last fall, the Palestinians won recognition in the U.N. General Assembly as a nonmember state in the territories captured by Israel in 1967.

This upgraded status, though largely symbolic, gave the Palestinians an upgraded diplomatic status that allows them access to key U.N. bodies. The move was condemned by the U.S and Israel, who viewed it as an attempt to bypass negotiations for an agreement.

A main Israeli concern is that the Palestinians will seek membership in the International Criminal Court, where they will press war crimes charges against Israel.

Kerry has urged both sides to avoid provocative measures, telling Israel to curtail settlement construction and the Palestinians to put their campaign for international recognition on hold.

Speaking to international diplomats Tuesday, Erekat blamed the Israelis for the lack of progress, citing Israel's refusal to accept the 1967 lines as the basis for talks. The Palestinians say the final border can be slightly modified through negotiated land swaps in order for Israel to keep some of its settlements. Two such proposals by previous Israeli governments failed to result in a peace accord.

"We want to negotiate. We have given Mr. Kerry our maps and answered him every question he asked," Erekat said.

He warned that the Palestinians' patience is wearing thin.

"We have the full right of our instrument of access to all U.N. agencies. And those who worry about international courts should stop committing crimes," he said. "It took us six months to prepare, but I can say now that all our instruments of accession are ready."

Israeli officials refused to comment on Erekat's threat.

Kerry has not set a formal deadline for reaching a framework for peace talks, but he has signaled that he will float a formal proposal in the coming weeks.

In a speech to American Jewish leaders in Washington on Monday, Kerry warned that time was running thin.

"Resolving this conflict for both sides can have far-reaching benefits that will be in everybody's interest. And the reverse is also true: Not resolving this will result in serious consequences for both," he said.

Echoing Kerry's warnings, the outgoing head of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer, urged the government to do its utmost to pursue peace, saying the current state of conflict and heavy defense expenditures were hurting the economy. "We must also try to find other solutions, and try to achieve a peace agreement with our neighbors, including with the Palestinians," Fischer told a parliamentary committee.

The comments Monday were unusual because Fischer rarely wades into politics. Fischer, an internationally respected U.S.-educated economist, steps down this month after eight years as head of Israel's central bank.

Fischer criticized Israelis who say that there is no Palestinian partner for peace. "We must look for the partners for peace. Until we reach agreements, it will cost us more since we will need to reinforce our readiness," he said.

Fischer said Israel would benefit from a peace accord. "We must, therefore, find a way to act more proactively in order to stop the conflict that has continued here for far too long," he said.



Well-Known Member
there was no stall. they said they were going to talk but never got to it. back 2 months ago when he went there and spoke they said they would. 2 months later both parties are busy. israel is busy with kicking syria and irans ass for throwing missals, mortars, gun fire, ect.


New Member
Fuck the two faced hypocritical Israeli regime...

Israel have refused to sign any type of nuclear weapons treaties but demand Iran capitulate to their demands? Fuck off...

If they choose to attack Iran they are fucked and will get to see what real guerrilla warfare is... While sunni vs shia is the dialogue encouraged by Israel, if both sides where to turn on them, problem solved.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Fuck the two faced hypocritical Israeli regime...

Israel have refused to sign any type of nuclear weapons treaties but demand Iran capitulate to their demands? Fuck off...

If they choose to attack Iran they are fucked and will get to see what real guerrilla warfare is... While sunni vs shia is the dialogue encouraged by Israel, if both sides where to turn on them, problem solved.

View attachment 2686171
1 ) isreal is NOT a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and thus are not barred from developing nuclear weapons if they so desire.

2 ) nobody has ever provided any evidence israel has a nuclear weapons program, much less actual functioning nuclear weapons.

3 ) israel has never declared themselves to have nuclear weapons, and have never conducted a test of nuclear weapons

4 ) iran DID sign the nuclear non-proliferation teaty, took all the benefits that signing provides, and then broke that treaty , just as pah-ki-stahn and india did.

5 ) why should they sign a treaty they do not wish to sign? no nation can be compelled to sign a treaty unless they are defeated in a war, and since nobody has ever defeated israel since it was founded in 1948...

6 ) if israel chooses to attack iran, iran will learn what war against a real, dedicated and not retarded opponent looks like. iran's infrastructure and military apparatus will be destroyed on the first day, their shitty air force will scatter like starlings at rain sign, and the iranians will be demanding the UN punish those mean ol' jews for their "Unprovoked Aggression" and the world at large will laugh in iran's face.

7) but of course you'll have a metric shitload of complaints, moar holocaust denial, and moar "anti-zionist, not anti-jew" bullshit to sling on a forum about growing dope.


Well-Known Member
So, what???? The Palestinians get in pursuit of Israel. Damn. Israel is fast afoot. And armed to the teeth.

So, what is new? In my wide open eyes this has never stopped.


New Member
1 ) isreal is NOT a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and thus are not barred from developing nuclear weapons if they so desire.

2 ) nobody has ever provided any evidence israel has a nuclear weapons program, much less actual functioning nuclear weapons.

3 ) israel has never declared themselves to have nuclear weapons, and have never conducted a test of nuclear weapons

4 ) iran DID sign the nuclear non-proliferation teaty, took all the benefits that signing provides, and then broke that treaty , just as pah-ki-stahn and india did.

5 ) why should they sign a treaty they do not wish to sign? no nation can be compelled to sign a treaty unless they are defeated in a war, and since nobody has ever defeated israel since it was founded in 1948...

6 ) if israel chooses to attack iran, iran will learn what war against a real, dedicated and not retarded opponent looks like. iran's infrastructure and military apparatus will be destroyed on the first day, their shitty air force will scatter like starlings at rain sign, and the iranians will be demanding the UN punish those mean ol' jews for their "Unprovoked Aggression" and the world at large will laugh in iran's face.

7) but of course you'll have a metric shitload of complaints, moar holocaust denial, and moar "anti-zionist, not anti-jew" bullshit to sling on a forum about growing dope.
Shouldn't you be over at stormfront? we've all enjoyed the break from the bullshit you espouse... You're pretty much wrong on everything and you wear islamophobia nearly as well as you wear the chosen people bullshit.

You played your hand and all you had to show was racist white supremacist garbage drenched in ignorance and stupidity. Seriously do us all a favour and wash your mouth out with buckshot.


Well-Known Member
Once Israel is indicted by the World Court, and they will be, then it will be interesting to see how Israel and the US reacts. I'm sure that Israel will claim that any ruling by that court is anti-Semitic, and choose to ignore the courts ruling They will have us on their side threating every nation, which they have done already with the bid for the admittance of Palestine as a non-member observer, with the wraith of Washington. This time I think it will be different, as the world in general has had enough of this situation between the Israelis and the Palestinians only getting worse.


Ursus marijanus
1 ) isreal is NOT a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and thus are not barred from developing nuclear weapons if they so desire.

2 ) nobody has ever provided any evidence israel has a nuclear weapons program, much less actual functioning nuclear weapons.

3 ) israel has never declared themselves to have nuclear weapons, and have never conducted a test of nuclear weapons

4 ) iran DID sign the nuclear non-proliferation teaty, took all the benefits that signing provides, and then broke that treaty , just as pah-ki-stahn and india did.

5 ) why should they sign a treaty they do not wish to sign? no nation can be compelled to sign a treaty unless they are defeated in a war, and since nobody has ever defeated israel since it was founded in 1948...

6 ) if israel chooses to attack iran, iran will learn what war against a real, dedicated and not retarded opponent looks like. iran's infrastructure and military apparatus will be destroyed on the first day, their shitty air force will scatter like starlings at rain sign, and the iranians will be demanding the UN punish those mean ol' jews for their "Unprovoked Aggression" and the world at large will laugh in iran's face.

7) but of course you'll have a metric shitload of complaints, moar holocaust denial, and moar "anti-zionist, not anti-jew" bullshit to sling on a forum about growing dope.
This speaks to points 2 and 3. cn


Active Member
1 )
5 ) why should they sign a treaty they do not wish to sign? no nation can be compelled to sign a treaty unless they are defeated in a war, and since nobody has ever defeated israel since it was founded in 1948...
Thanks to the US Government's 30 billion a year in aid , bombs , tanks , and planes they send them.

1 )
6 ) if israel chooses to attack iran, iran will learn what war against a real, dedicated and not retarded opponent looks like. iran's infrastructure and military apparatus will be destroyed on the first day, their shitty air force will scatter like starlings at rain sign, and the iranians will be demanding the UN punish those mean ol' jews for their "Unprovoked Aggression" and the world at large will laugh in iran's face.
If israel can wipe out iran in a day why the constant lobbying of US political for support of there war mongering? O that's right they want the gentiles to spill there blood in the middle east for them.


Well-Known Member
And who gives two shits about the World Court? They are the jew haters.
Israel will give a shit when they are charged with war crimes, and when sanctions are placed on them once they are found guilty, which they will I think. That is why they act afraid. They won't be allowed to export a tomato.


Well-Known Member
OK, and the chances of that? IAC, who are you trying to kid? Israel doesn't give a shit, quite formally, if you mean the ICC.
....Three of these states—Israel, Sudan and the United States—have informed the UN Secretary General that they no longer intend to become states parties and, as such, have no legal obligations arising from their former representatives' signature of the Statute.[SUP][10][/SUP][SUP][12][/SUP] 41 United Nations member states[SUP][9][/SUP] have neither signed nor ratified or acceded to the Rome Statute; some of them, including China and India, are critical of the Court.[SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][14][/SUP] On 21 January 2009, the Palestinian National Authority formally accepted the jurisdiction of the Court.[SUP][15][/SUP]

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
wikipedia? REALLY?

also, first line:" Israel is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] "\

and the rest of the article provided ZERO EVIDENCE that israel has nukes, and reaffiurms that israel maintains a "Well, maybe we do and maybe we dont..." stance on the question of their reputed nuclear arsenal, and has STILL never detonated an atomic test, nor have they dropped any Jewtron Bombs on anybody yet.

i dont see what youre arguing here fuzzy.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Shouldn't you be over at stormfront? we've all enjoyed the break from the bullshit you espouse... You're pretty much wrong on everything and you wear islamophobia nearly as well as you wear the chosen people bullshit.

You played your hand and all you had to show was racist white supremacist garbage drenched in ignorance and stupidity. Seriously do us all a favour and wash your mouth out with buckshot.
still claiming im a JEW!!! and thus should commit suicide, still asserting that im the racist, and still cant make a cogent argument to support your claims.

yep. only the 7th of june and i've already had my fill of your bile for another month.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Thanks to the US Government's 30 billion a year in aid , bombs , tanks , and planes they send them.
riiiiiiiiiight... perhaps you would also like to discuss how fat my momma be, or how her feet so stank... ?

israel kicked the moslem worlds asses in 1948 with ZERO us aid, kicked their asses again in '56, and AGAIN in 1968, all with no help from the US. nice try, but you did not win a cigar.

If israel can wipe out iran in a day why the constant lobbying of US political for support of there war mongering? O that's right they want the gentiles to spill there blood in the middle east for them.
the israelis would rather settle the issue without having to lift/cleanse iran from the pages of time, because they are civilized.

iran will not attack (except by their proxies) because they know they will lose even if the rest of the world just sits back and watches. even if the iranians are absolutely certain that israel does not have nukes, they dare not actually START shit, because they are not stupid. they know what will happen, so instead they hide under a chair yap in mock rage and quiver like a frightened chihuahua.

if iran does develop nukes, and the Supreme Beard Brigade thinks they can lift/cleanse israel from the pages of time they might try it, but any conventional war would be hilariously one sided.


New Member
wikipedia? REALLY?

also, first line:" Israel is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] "\

and the rest of the article provided ZERO EVIDENCE that israel has nukes, and reaffiurms that israel maintains a "Well, maybe we do and maybe we dont..." stance on the question of their reputed nuclear arsenal, and has STILL never detonated an atomic test, nor have they dropped any Jewtron Bombs on anybody yet.

i dont see what youre arguing here fuzzy.
You love wiki when it supports one of your baseless and bigoted arguments.... Everyone knows Israel has nukes and will not succumb to pressure from the UN to let IAEA inspectors in. And you wouldn't guess what the response is that "the IAEA must carry out it's activities with due observance to the sovereign rights of states". That would only apply to Israel, not everyone else...

Then there's Mordechai Vanunu or the Vela Incident (cooperating with another apartheid regime) 18years in prison for leaking information on a capability that, according to you, doesn't exist. Cool story Shlomo....



New Member
still claiming im a JEW!!! and thus should commit suicide, still asserting that im the racist, and still cant make a cogent argument to support your claims.

yep. only the 7th of june and i've already had my fill of your bile for another month.
Dr Klan I don't even have to assert you are a racist, backward bigot. You've proven it in writing.

white supremacy concerns itself with eliminating the differences between groups by imposing a single homogeneous addmixture of all the "good culture" of the world while carefully eliminating all the "negative influences" which just happen to be the non-western, and non-european influences which have resulted in the decaying society we face today.
riiiiiiiiiight... perhaps you would also like to discuss how fat my momma be, or how her feet so stank... ?

israel kicked the moslem worlds asses in 1948 with ZERO us aid, kicked their asses again in '56, and AGAIN in 1968, all with no help from the US. nice try, but you did not win a cigar.

the israelis would rather settle the issue without having to lift/cleanse iran from the pages of time, because they are civilized.

iran will not attack (except by their proxies) because they know they will lose even if the rest of the world just sits back and watches. even if the iranians are absolutely certain that israel does not have nukes, they dare not actually START shit, because they are not stupid. they know what will happen, so instead they hide under a chair yap in mock rage and quiver like a frightened chihuahua.

if iran does develop nukes, and the Supreme Beard Brigade thinks they can lift/cleanse israel from the pages of time they might try it, but any conventional war would be hilariously one sided.
Actually the US has helped by sending military advisers to train troops on FID plus weapons and cash of course...

Oh and lets not forget you'd also like "Islam and the Muslims cleansed from the pages of time" like the true hypocritical fuck hole you are.



Ursus marijanus
wikipedia? REALLY?

also, first line:" Israel is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] "\

and the rest of the article provided ZERO EVIDENCE that israel has nukes, and reaffiurms that israel maintains a "Well, maybe we do and maybe we dont..." stance on the question of their reputed nuclear arsenal, and has STILL never detonated an atomic test, nor have they dropped any Jewtron Bombs on anybody yet.

i dont see what youre arguing here fuzzy.
Okay then; game on! Provide links of greater reliability refuting the above.
I suggest you read Richard Rhodes' book Twilight of the Bombs. He took essentially the stance shown in the wiki article.
It's like the Aurora aircraft. There's no good Internet trace of the thing ... and it's operational. Some secrets do get kept. cn

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Okay then; game on! Provide links of greater reliability refuting the above.
I suggest you read Richard Rhodes' book Twilight of the Bombs. He took essentially the stance shown in the wiki article.
It's like the Aurora aircraft. There's no good Internet trace of the thing ... and it's operational. Some secrets do get kept. cn
im not saying israel does have nuclear weapons, and im not saying they dont, but there is NO relaible proof either way.

they could just have put it out as a scarecrow to keep the cowardly hyenas around them at bay, or they could have a massive stockpile of Hebrewgen Bombs loaded onto Intercontinental Ballistic Matzos ready to launch in the secret silos beneath Going Out Of Business TV And Stereo.

either way they have never nuked anybody, and have still never set off a test bomb.

the evidence that iran has a nuclear program is far more solid than the evidence (or lack thereof) for program to manufacture The Chosen Plutonium, or construct Weapons of Manischewitz Destruction, no matter how delicious it may sound.