LOL O'Reilly shows his racier side


Well-Known Member
I see you still can't tell the difference between bigotry and racism which really isn't surprising since you have always struggled with the word bigot.

This is bigotry
that's not bigotry, that's an apt description of the dirty south and its sad, sad residents.

This is not racism "You look like a coke dealer"
i didn't say it was. nodrama and i both agreed that if he said "you look like a crack dealer" that it would have been borderline racist if not outright racist.

leave it up to the angry southern bigot to get upset about something so minor.


Well-Known Member
that's not bigotry, that's an apt description of the dirty south and its sad, sad residents.

i didn't say it was. nodrama and i both agreed that if he said "you look like a crack dealer" that it would have been borderline racist if not outright racist.

leave it up to the angry southern bigot to get upset about something so minor.
The guy was wearing a suit. How many coke dealers you know wear suits?


New Member
Hmm, I have viewed the video....

That is clearly racist profiling, the dude is wearing a fucking suit ffs.He didn't even need to say it to prove any point, he was just pointing it out for no reason.


Well-Known Member
that's not bigotry, that's an apt description of the dirty south and its sad, sad residents.
More bigotry, you doing well but still don't know the definition of the word.

i didn't say it was. nodrama and i both agreed that if he said "you look like a crack dealer" that it would have been borderline racist if not outright racist.

leave it up to the angry southern bigot to get upset about something so minor.
I guess you and Nodrama need to quit using words you don't understand.

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Yep not seeing drugs uses, food eaten or clothes worn anywhere in that description.

Now the correct word you're looking for is
A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing: "sexual and racial stereotypes".

A stereotype while not a healthy way to think but is not racist. Bucky for someone that bashes southerners you're one ignorant motherfucker that can't find his ass with both hands.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Hmm, I have viewed the video....

That is clearly racist profiling, the dude is wearing a fucking suit ffs.He didn't even need to say it to prove any point, he was just pointing it out for no reason.
Cocaine dealer.

Mos Def contains a reference to the link between Ross and the CIA: "Nearly half of America's largest cities is one-quarter black/ That's why they gave Ricky Ross all the crack."
So, it's only racist when the white devil or rabbit says it? Fucking typical liberal rhetoric.


Well-Known Member
More bigotry, you doing well but still don't know the definition of the word.
it's not bigotry.

incest runs rampant in the south. dental hygiene is majorly subpar. hell, look at the grammar you used to compose the quoted sentence! your educational standards are appalling.

you are only confirming what we all know about you inbred retards. the american south is an international punch line. you guys are a stain on our otherwise great nation.

I guess you and Nodrama need to quit using words you don't understand.

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Yep not seeing drugs uses, food eaten or clothes worn anywhere in that description.

Now the correct word you're looking for is
A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing: "sexual and racial stereotypes".

A stereotype while not a healthy way to think but is not racist. Bucky for someone that bashes southerners you're one ignorant motherfucker that can't find his ass with both hands.
gee, employing racial stereotypes isn't the type of thing that a racist person would do, is it?

apparently you reading compensation has failed you.


New Member
The south is just fine Bucky and its people make up the back bone of our military which have to protect bigots
like you. Its states like California and New York that are out of touch with America and American values.


Well-Known Member
The south is just fine Bucky and its people make up the back bone of our military which have to protect bigots
like you. Its states like California and New York that are out of touch with America and American values.
california and new york are the cultural epicenters of america. no one takes vacations to shit holes like birmingham or tulsa. there's a reason for that.

and states like new york and california are net contributors that keep welfare teat states like the south from crumbling into the absolute junk heaps they are.

the values in the south include bigotry, hatred of gays, and poor dental hygiene. those are not american values.

here's a little thought experiment for you: would you rather take your fiancee to napa to taste some of the best wines in the world, or to huntsville where you guys can experience the joy of "lucky duck days" (whatever the fuck that is)?

would you rather take a trip with your buddies to palm desert to play some golf on perfectly manicured golf courses in the middle of winter, or lafayette louisiana and watch some armadillos become roadkill?

there's a reason why the entire world laughs at the american south.


Well-Known Member
california and new york are the cultural epicenters of america. no one takes vacations to shit holes like birmingham or tulsa. there's a reason for that.

and states like new york and california are net contributors that keep welfare teat states like the south from crumbling into the absolute junk heaps they are.

the values in the south include bigotry, hatred of gays, and poor dental hygiene. those are not american values.

here's a little thought experiment for you: would you rather take your fiancee to napa to taste some of the best wines in the world, or to huntsville where you guys can experience the joy of "lucky duck days" (whatever the fuck that is)?

would you rather take a trip with your buddies to palm desert to play some golf on perfectly manicured golf courses in the middle of winter, or lafayette louisiana and watch some armadillos become roadkill?

there's a reason why the entire world laughs at the american south.
Nashville, santa fe, Austin, Denver all of which out rank NY as most attractive people. Kansas City, San Antonio, New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix all in the top 25.

Friendliest people the south dominates the top 10.

Thanks for showing how much of a bigot you truly are. I don't think Bucky gets out much. Some of the worst rednecks I have seen ventured out of the north, Ironically Oregon has it's fare share of hillbillies, rednecks, and nutjobs. Thanks again for proving how little you know stick to words you don't understand.

I found a pic if Bucky moving.


New Member
And then Florida stands alone, everyone here is getting high on that crippy while the rest of the states argue which.coast is better.


Well-Known Member
Nashville, santa fe, Austin, Denver all of which out rank NY as most attractive people. Kansas City, San Antonio, New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix all in the top 25.

denver is in the south? wow. santa fe, too. those are both in the west, and both are very liberal cities. austin, too.

do you even know what the south is? pro tip: san diego does not count as being in what we know as "the south".

jesus fucking christ, what unremitting failure.


New Member
New york is where they regulate how much soda pop you can drink while stomping on the 2nd amendment as well as where cops routinely and legally search people without cause just for walking down the street. Florida is where New yorkers go if they have enough money. California is nearly bankrupt and most Americans are almost universally
disgusted by the more liberal cities in California like San Francisco and there laws that allow gays to legally and openly parade around naked there in front of school kids.
Other cities there lets think Stockton are already bankrupt thanks to there radical liberal mind disease. Its a bunch of fucked up weird ass liberal scum in these places Buckwheat just ask Pelosi.


Well-Known Member

denver is in the south? wow. santa fe, too. those are both in the west,
Well technically you're correct but that opens a whole other problem for you. Maryland, DC, and Delaware all southern states.

and both are very liberal cities. austin, too.
I don't give a fuck it's in the south isn't it? You want to pick and choose now you fucking bigoted coward? Either you stand behind the claims you so often fling around the forums about southerners which makes you both a bigot and racist or you bow the fuck out like the cowardly pussy we all know you are.

do you even know what the south is? pro tip: san diego does not count as being in what we know as "the south".
Again with you're fucking nonsense, where did I say that you can't help but fling retarded shit around can you?

So lets recap, southern areas are on the top travel destinations and southern people are more friendly. Sounds like all you're bigoted southern nonsense is catching up to you dumbfucky. Any other stereotypical, bigoted, racist remarks you care to share with everyone?


Well-Known Member
wow @ the bolded. i bet nontheist would get all butt hurt if i said that.
I think you did say that, sort of.
this is an old clip, and god knows why cheesus started this thread (did he finally just see this?), and i haven't watched it, but i believe he said he looks like a crack dealer. that would make sense from the racial angle, there's even racially fucked sentencing differences for crack versus cocaine. len bias laws or some shit. i am really fucking high right now.


Well-Known Member
New york is where they regulate how much soda pop you can drink while stomping on the 2nd amendment as well as where cops routinely and legally search people without cause just for walking down the street. Florida is where New yorkers go if they have enough money. California is nearly bankrupt and most Americans are almost universally
disgusted by the more liberal cities in California like San Francisco and there laws that allow gays to legally and openly parade around naked there in front of school kids.
Other cities there lets think Stockton are already bankrupt thanks to there radical liberal mind disease. Its a bunch of fucked up weird ass liberal scum in these places Buckwheat just ask Pelosi.
real estate must be so expensive in those disgusting cesspools like san fran and NYC and LA because they are such horrible places.



Well-Known Member
Well technically you're correct but that opens a whole other problem for you. Maryland, DC, and Delaware all southern states.
LOL! northern virginia doesn't even really count as the south anymore. ditto miami up to ft lauderdale. those are all very liberal areas.

we're talking about the dirty south here, sport.

I don't give a fuck it's in the south isn't it?
funny how the only decent parts of the south are the isolated liberal strongholds, eh?


So lets recap, southern areas are on the top travel destinations and southern people are more friendly.
the south is a more popular travel destination, you say? sure it is, kiddo. sure it is.

and southerners are more friendly? maybe if you are a conservative, religious white male. but certainly not if you're gay. or black. or atheist. or not an inbred hick with poor dental hygiene.

Sounds like all you're bigoted southern nonsense is catching up to you dumbfucky. Any other stereotypical, bigoted, racist remarks you care to share with everyone?

ya see, all you are doing now in confirming stereotypes of the south. you are proving me right with your low educational standards that the south is infamous for.

it wasn't me that made the dirty south an international punchline, and it sure wasn't austin or miami. blame yourselves!


Well-Known Member
where did your post go, nontheist?

you said i was racist against southerners. i had no idea that "southerner" was a race.

and your spelling of diarrhea (diaria) was to die for. really showcasing those subpar educational standards that the dirty south is known for.


Well-Known Member
LOL Your fucking history is as bad as your politics, the south is divided by the mason-dixon this isn't a state grab bag ass clown.
we're talking about the dirty south here. northern virginia and miami are very liberal, metropolitan areas. not many people fingering banjos 'round those parts.

Any more "retarded Bucky" saying shit no one else did.
you're the one who brought up austin as a shining star of the south. not my fault that they are very, very liberal there. that's why it is one of the only decent parts of the south.

Only retarded Bucky would be clever enough to be a racist bigot while trying to portray someone else as such. derp derp Funny thing is that article never said that the experience was different for any reason.

Bucky you're one limp dick motherfucker, you don't even have the balls to stand behind your racism and bigotry.

racism against southerners?

is southerner even a race?


oh, you amuse me little guy.