First grow week 6 of flower how does it look?


Very nice buds, still very white pistils for the 6th week of flowering, I suspect you are growing sativa dominants? Another key is that there seems be be little frost on the buds, typical for sativas. I like them and they should be decent smoke for you. What did you grow in and with?


Well-Known Member
Actually it is an indica dom strain so now im kind of wondering wtf lol. I also thought there didnt seem to be as much thc as i saw on other peoples plants. Im in soil used ocean forest and the fox farm trio


Actually it is an indica dom strain so now im kind of wondering wtf lol. I also thought there didnt seem to be as much thc as i saw on other peoples plants. Im in soil used ocean forest and the fox farm trio
Don't worry, give it a few weeks.

This is a purly indica strain:


Active Member
looks beautiful - I can tell you put a lot of time, energy and thought in to the plants, and it looks like you will be rewarded with some good quailty buds - great job


Well-Known Member
well done ercla, are they in of soil to same as the youre other plants in you're other thread, cause there does look to be something a miss, id rather say something, probaly be nothing, what you been feeding them,


Well-Known Member
Thanks spitsbuds! yeah they are in soil ocean forest. Ive just been giving them the fox farm trio


Well-Known Member
we do need to of grower here to help, but as far as im aware you have to feed on the very low end of the of nute chart, why i ask, is that to much n will delay flowering, which will effect youre final yield and youve got similar signs and damage to the fan leafs to on youre other plants in you're other thread, i jump back there, but we need a exp of grower to have a look at both threads,

did you identify the bug to as a lava gnat, if not try here, great site, with some really helpful bug experts and some amazing info, they help me identify a springtail problem i had,


Well-Known Member
I think you might be onto something spitsbuds, I did notice during vegging and early into flowering the older fan leaves were very dark green and i had never done a flush and wasnt burning anything so i didnt feel the need to flush so now there probably a shitload of buildup from nutes in the soil. I actually flushed the smaller of the 2 flowered plants this morning so im hoping to see some kind of improvement


Well-Known Member
I will also add that im noticing that only the canopy fan leaves are being effected by the browning and yellowing. I cant imagine its burning the leaves though, its almost like the chlorophyll is being sucked from them.


Nice thanks for the advice on that. What week is that plant on?
The picture of that indica was taken 11 days ago, I have been watching her trichomes and needed to take photos today:


Tomorrow she starts her 7th week since pistils first appeared. Note how short and fat the leaves are. A closer look at her trichomes (still has time to go):


Contrast this indica with the following sativa, Maui Waui. Photos again taken today, same age. Notice the longer, more slender leaves, the more sparse distribution of trichomes, and the lack of any amber trichomes:


That Maui Waui has a long ways to go. While I had the tripod set up, I wanted to look at another plant's trichomes, a mixed indica-sativa:


Though still not ready, she too is closing in on harvest. I like her frosting, yum yum....


Well-Known Member
wow thats extremely discouraging lol those plants are so frosty. I start my 7th week in 2 days and mine is nowhere close to that. What week did your plants have the same amount of resin on them that mine have