...those are called PL-Ls and are a form of remote battasted CFLs and i disagree that T5s are more powerful, my 55watters are approx. 22inchs long so 2 of them, end to end would be 44inchs long, ...i don't think i've ever seen a 4ft T5 bulb rated at 110watts.
...they are also available in almost any Kelvin temp you might want.
...and there are MANY people over at the mag who use these quite effectively, ...look for '
superpedro' if you want to see a really cool one, he is one clever guy. ...and '
Inefectualize', be sure and check out his '
high-pod' grow.
peace, bozo
btw, here's a few pics of my clone/seedling box which is powered by 3x 55PL-Ls and has been running now for at least 2 years, i forget when i built it exactly.
...and this is superpedro's PL-L setup.