skinny clawlike leaves have pics help is appreiciated

this is now the second time i have had this problem now can anyone suggest a solution. it is not all the leaves only one on certain parts of the plant. here are a couple pics of 2 leaves off the same plant. they are in a 4x4 tent 400 watt hps and i use fox farm nutessick leaf.jpgsick leaf2.jpgany suggestions would be a great help


Well-Known Member
That's overwatering... your not letting your pots dry out enough...

If your in hydro, it means that your flooding your tables too long (they are sitting in water too long while filling tables (airstones can fix this)


Well-Known Member
Why did you feel the need to cut them off? they look rather dark and it is most likely down to overfeeding of nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
a general rule for me is 3 days in between watering, 4 days max, if my room is too cold, and they won't dry out fast enough, I add more perlite to the mix (next grow) if they dry out sooner than 3 days, I transplant to a bigger pot...


Well-Known Member
you sure about that one?
absolutely sure...

on some strains I run High N (calmag) in the first two weeks of flower with no veg time, those plants will go extreem bright neon green (as apposed to yellow), then when you cut the calmag out and add PK and then it goes darker...absolutely sure...

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
I would as well say n toxicity dark green and the claw! all classic signs of N overdose but you did not provide any information its hard to say you in soil or hydro? ph? ppm of feed, how old hard your plant? are they still in veg? do you feed water feed?( if soil) alot of questions need to be answered. have you ever flushed your plants? you could have salt build up but that normally shows up as rusty spots. and curling upward.


Well-Known Member
dark green leaves are an indication of N toxicity!! lets keeps it real. lock out will turn your plants neon green. not enough N shows as yellowing that starts at the bottom of the plant and gradually moves up.

i kinda agree with the flood cycles being too long if its a hydro plant?.. it happens to me and i skip a cycle and it corrects or sometimes i get that from low light areas?.
I would as well say n toxicity dark green and the claw! all classic signs of N overdose but you did not provide any information its hard to say you in soil or hydro? ph? ppm of feed, how old hard your plant? are they still in veg? do you feed water feed?( if soil) alot of questions need to be answered. have you ever flushed your plants? you could have salt build up but that normally shows up as rusty spots. and curling upward.
sorry for lack of info. im growing in soil 3 gal pots i use fox farms liquid and solubles. just finished 6th week in flower. when i first noticed flushed for a week with molasis waterand let dry out in between. have 4 plant the same and this is only happening to 1 but now traces on a second. i water in a 4 day and then 3 day cycle. 4 day nutes ,dry,water,dry then 3 day nute,water,dry. dont know ph or ppm. if this is to much water do i not use the plain water and only water when i nute??


Well-Known Member
too much n turns plants neon green lol you need to read about the basics a bit more mate before you start spouting off advice.


Well-Known Member

Here's a direct compairison
(21 days old)
(Strain - Girlscout Cookies)

The plant on the left got a 700ppm Flora Nova Bloom +200PPM calmag
the plant on the right got a 900ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Equal light distances, both plants were planted with no veg time, flipped on Christmas... these plants were selected as a good representation of each style... there are 32 (2 per pot) under a 1000w light... all of the plants on each tray look pretty much the same as their mix dictates... neither of these plants were topped... (if anything, I chose the best plant for the right side and just an average one for the left)

since last week they have both been recieving 900ppm Flora Nova Bloom + 400ppm Liquid Kool Bloom (this has darkend up the color on both)

The plants the have had High N are lighter in color,
The plants that did not get as much N are Darker in color,

Both plants suffered a little overwatering due to needing to water when the pots were still a little heavy... no real issues....

Hope this helps...

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
if your plants a 8 week strain i would start cutting back on the feeding now and start getting the N out, N does not taste good in your bowl! if you have a 10-12 week just start slowing down not much N is needed in flowering. i do not know what ff products have but maybe stop using the grow big for awhile.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2481530View attachment 2481533

Here's a direct compairison
(21 days old)
(Strain - Girlscout Cookies)

The plant on the left got a 700ppm Flora Nova Bloom +200PPM calmag
the plant on the right got a 900ppm Flora Nova Bloom

Equal light distances, both plants were planted with no veg time, flipped on Christmas... these plants were selected as a good representation of each style... there are 32 (2 per pot) under a 1000w light... all of the plants on each tray look pretty much the same as their mix dictates... neither of these plants were topped... (if anything, I chose the best plant for the right side and just an average one for the left)

since last week they have both been recieving 900ppm Flora Nova Bloom + 400ppm Liquid Kool Bloom (this has darkend up the color on both)

The plants the have had High N are lighter in color,
The plants that did not get as much N are Darker in color,

Both plants suffered a little overwatering due to needing to water when the pots were still a little heavy... no real issues....

Hope this helps...

the one on the left is far bigger. the bigger plant got less nutrients and the smaller one more. it should be the otherway around hence the darker leaves. its common sense pal lol


Well-Known Member
the one on the left is far bigger. the bigger plant got less nutrients and the smaller one more. it should be the otherway around hence the darker leaves. its common sense pal lol
They both got fed 900ppms... Duh....

Go away before you look any more silly...


Well-Known Member
maybe your confused...
Those are my plants,
I took the photographs,
I watered them,
I know which one got which mix, That's what a controlled experiment is for...
I don't care if "it should be the other way around" because you read it in some stupid grow book or Interent Link... the Right side got Less N, the Left More, and both were fed the same PPM's, both had the light at the same distance from the start to today...


Well-Known Member
you just said that before last week the plant on the left (the bigger one!) got 700 ppm whilst the small one got 900 ppm. hmmmm maybe thats why its darker or maybe you need to rephrase what you meant.